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在事实面前谣言只得销声匿迹。The rumour had to disappear before facts.

随后betamax制式从所有非专业应用领域中销声匿迹。Betamax disappeared from all but professional use.

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疾病预防控制中心称在亚洲麦地那龙线虫病已经销声匿迹了。The C. D. C. says Guinea worm no longer strikes in Asia.

时装业将会像秋后的昆虫一样销声匿迹。The fashion industry would die like an insect in autumn.

很多像他这样的人只是有个开门红,然后便销声匿迹了。Many people like him got a flying start but soon disappeared.

卜居在那些粉红色巨大宅邸里无所事事的阔佬寓公们似乎也销声匿迹了。The idle rich in the big pink houses seemed to have gone underground.

但那个时期爆发的怒火和动荡从未完全销声匿迹。And yet the anger and turmoil of that period never entirely drained away.

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附近的天体一旦落入黑洞,就销声匿迹,永无踪影。Onece the orbs nearby fall into the black hole, they will disappear forever.

在旧金山,高价抢购现象虽然销声匿迹了,可价格依旧看涨。In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbid ding quiets.

那些烜赫一时的人物也一个个销声匿迹了。The once powerful figures have also disappeared from the scene one after another.

将近百分之90的歌曲最终会在流行歌曲的浪潮中销声匿迹。About 90 percent of songs that drew little activity in the brain would go on to flop.

因此SS7不会明天就销声匿迹,而事实上,在许多地销声匿迹事实上因此区它仍将持续发展。So SS7 does not go away tomorrow but will continue to grow, in fact, in many regions.

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霍顿法官,这位战争先知,在我们未来的年代里也未必就会销声匿迹。Judge Holden, the prophet of war, is unlikely to be without honor in our years to come.

缪如果不坚持如果不努力,再牛逼的现在也终将销声匿迹。If you don't insist if you do not work hard, then regressed now will eventually disappear.

此法一出,达盖尔照相法就成了累赘,很快销声匿迹了。These developments made the Daguerreotype redundant and the process very soon disappeared.

从紧身裤到如橄榄球中后卫一样的大垫肩,80年代风格并没有销声匿迹。From leggings to linebacker shoulders, the 1980s was the style decade that just wouldn't die.

性化学反应只能从头开始吗?它只是像火苗一样瞬间闪亮然后就销声匿迹吗?Is chemistry doomed from the start? Will it fizzle and die just as fast as the flame was lit?

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其间一行人中又有一名在睡梦中死于严寒,另有一名跌入裂缝中销声匿迹。Another of the group died in his sleep in the cold and one fell into a crevasse and disappeared.

如何阻止传统手工艺在我们现代社会中销声匿迹的现象?What can be done to prevent many traditional handicrafts from disappearing in our modern society?

在销声匿迹的60余年后,戴姆勒·克莱斯勒公司决心重振这一颇具传奇色彩的品牌。After more than 60 years of disappearance, Daimler-Chrysler decided to resume this legendry brand.