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放弃你的偏见。Discard your prejudices.

它存在着偏见。So there is a bias there.

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证人可能持有偏见。The witness may be biased.

这篇文章充满偏见。This article is so biased.

偏见,妥协,怯懦!Prejudice, Compromise, Cowardice!

摒除种族的偏见,他是对的。The ethnic slag aside, he was right.

他有一种奇怪的偏见。He is prepossessed with a queer idea.

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现在来看一下“偏见“这个词?Now what about this word "prejudice"?

那是早年的偏见,你知道。The prejudice of early youth, you know.

这种仇恨产生于偏见。This hatred was generated by prejudice.

我们还必须克服恐惧和偏见。We must combat fears and prejudice too.

盛田昭夫认为这是种族主义偏见在作怪。He was suggesting the reason was racism.

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我的女儿超越了世俗偏见。My daughter had transcended typecasting.

那个证人没有偏见,因而是可靠的。The witness is unbiased and so reliable.

当然,这就导致形成了个人偏见。This, of course, leads to personal bias.

偏见是愚者思考的方式。Prejudices are what fools use for reason.

她使自己不带任何偏见。She detached herself from her prejudices.

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他说的话带有偏见。What he said was tinctured with prejudice.

是什么偏见引发这个反应呢?What preconception triggers this reaction?

道金斯,我不觉得它有任何真正的启迪,它增强了双方的偏见。It reinforces the prejudices on both sides.