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他曾经一夜间一夜召幸三十嫔妃?He had enjoyed sex with 30 imperial concubines in one night.

菲利普有很多的嫔妃,并最终娶了其中一个。Philip had many concubines and eventually married one of them.

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他伪造名单诱骗了一些后宫嫔妃。He cooked up a scheme to cheat some of the women in the royal harem.

紫禁城里最可怜的奴隶是皇帝的嫔妃。No less captive within the Forbidden City were the imperial concubines.

你怎能有四个嫔妃,一百二十一个才人,成千的宫女?Why can you have 4 concubines, 121 talent ladies, and a thousand maids?

透过厚实的门板,听得见隔壁房里众嫔妃沙沙的声音。I could hear the wives behind the thick door of our inner room, stirring there.

慈禧1851年被送进紫禁城,成为咸丰皇帝的嫔妃。Cixi was sent to the Forbidden City in 1851 to be a concubine to Emperor Xianfeng.

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葬在那里的是五位皇帝,其嫔妃及其他皇室成员。Buried there are the remains of five emperors, their wives and other royal family members.

更不曾以自己的地位,而奢侈浮华,或妒害嫔妃。Furthermore, she never used her position to indulge in extravagances or covetously harm the emperor's concubines.

内宫除了皇帝本人之外,唯一得以自由进出的便是他的嫔妃和宦官了。Other than the emperor himself, the only other people allowed here were his concubines and the castrated eunuchs.

它有成千上万个房间和单宫别院。供皇帝的嫔妃们居住。她们是从最漂亮的妇女中选出来的。It had thousands of rooms and separate apartments for the emperor's wives, some of the most beautiful women in the empire.

其他女性的地位则以皇后最高,其次是皇帝的各种嫔妃、贵人。The other females have rank beginning with the Empress and continuing with the various consorts and concubines of the Emperor's harem.

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墙内便是内宫,除了皇帝本人之外,得以获准进入的便只有他的嫔妃和宦官了。Beyond it was the Inner Court. Other than the emperor himself, the only other people allowed here were his concubines and the castrated eunuchs.

他建议在街道上悬挂大红灯笼,皇帝、皇后、六宫嫔妃和朝廷大臣都要外出观赏灯笼。He advised that the streets be hung with red lanterns, and the emperor, empress, concubines, and court officials come out of the palace to see them.

他挑选了两个地位最高的嫔妃来担任队长,要求她们确保各自的队伍遵守纪律。Hechooses the two most senior of these concubines to serve as platoon leaders, and charges them with making sure discipline is observed in their units.

后宫中居住的嫔妃都是女人,清合道长尽管是传得如神仙一般的人物,但总归是男人。Behind live in the temple of all of concubines are women, pure match a way long although is spread such for fairy general human, forever return is a male.

该景区始建于康熙年间,是昔日皇帝处理朝政和与嫔妃们居住的地方。Built during the Kangxi period and covering an area of 400000 sq m, the scenic spot used to serve as a place for emperors to handle state affairs and as a home for concubines.

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当她在1257年谋杀了她的新的丈夫时,她被丈夫的嫔妃们用她自己的木屐给打杀了——那是阿拉伯蔑视的标志,也是中世纪的屈辱死法。When she murdered her new husband in 1257, his concubines beat her to death with her own clogs — both a sign of Arab contempt and the medieval equivalent of death by stiletto.

在男权社会里,她以一介嫔妃的身份,成为举国之主宰,引起了此后中国社会1000多年的争议。In the society of human rights, just as emperor's concubine, she finally became the master of the whole nation, which have caused the disputes of Chinese society as long as 1,000 years.