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是否有人喊你去换防?Is someone yelling at you to switch?

有一次防守中,哈斯勒姆觉得需要换防。There was one play where Udonis Haslem felt he had to switch.

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不断地催促步兵团换防易站,换装填。And ever the hastening of infantry shifting positions, batteries.

昨天我们被换防下来,而现在我们的胃里满是牛肉和扁豆。Yesterday we were relieved, and now our bellies are full of beef and haricot beans.

杉木非常狡猾,她让特别行动队伪装成冯泰的部下,与集中营驻防的伪军换防。Fir very cunning, she let the special task force disguised as Feng Tai men, were in the ana stay with concentration camps.

随著过渡的开始,一个陆军旅作战部队和一支海军陆战队远征队已经归国,并且不再派出换防部队。As part of this transition, one Army brigade combat team and one Marine Expeditionary Unit have already come home and will not be replaced.

在他身为空军军官不断在美国各地及菲律宾换防的职业生涯中,她一直教小学和舞蹈。During his career as an officer in the air force, stationed throughout the United States and in the Philippines, she taught elementary school and dance.

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今年秋天,美国食品和药物管理局预计将更换防晒标签,星级评级制度也是衡量紫外线防护性能的方法。This fall, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to issue sunscreen labeling changes and a star-rating system to also measure UVA protection.

但是盖茨表示,这些部队在阿富汗停留多长时间,驻防期满后是否有部队换防,将取决于战略审议结果。But the secretary says how long the troops stay, and whether they are replaced when their tours of duty end, will depend on the outcome of the strategy review.

经过对民国档案的重点利用,详细讨论了这次换防的展开步骤、交替过程、移动路线、部队序列变化及调防策略等问通,考实了诸多历史细节。This paper discussed in greater depth the procedure of this shift, the route, the change of army orders and defense strategy and many history details are proved.

国防部副部长道格拉斯·费思在6月8日宣布,五角大楼将从德国撤出两个陆军师,并且用规模更小、机动性更强的部队来换防。Defense Undersecretary Douglas Feith announced June 8 that the Pentagon will withdraw its two Army divisions from Germany and replace them with fewer, more mobile troops.

美国国防部星期四宣布,几千名即将换防的美军士兵在伊拉克的驻防期延长四个月。The U. S Defense Department announced Thursday that several thousand soldiers will stay in Iraq for up to four months beyond their one-year assignment, which was about to end.

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英国国防部一项声明说,身为“蓝军骑兵团”少尉的哈里王子,将在几个月后随英军部队换防到伊拉克服役。Defense Ministry announcement says the prince, a second lieutenant in the Blues and Royals Regiment, will begin service in Iraq in the next few months as part of a British troop rotation.