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第二部分是民事抗诉制度存在的根据。The second part is the foundation of civil protect system.

“美国的伟大之处是为正确的抗诉权,”他说。"The greatness of America is the right to protest for right, " he said.

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第一部分为刑事二审抗诉制度的现状。The first part is the present situation of the protest of criminal appeal.

首尔检方表示,将向上一级法院提起抗诉。Head Er check just expresses, will up one class court mentions counterappeal.

第一百八十六条人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。Article 186 Cases protested by the people's procuratorate shall be retried by the people's court.

人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。The people's court shall conduct a trial denovo of a case protested by the people's procuratorate.

民事诉讼中人民检察院的抗诉问题是民事诉讼法研究的一个重要问题。Protest of the people's procuratorate is an important issue in research on the civil procedural law.

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但是民事抗诉制度在司法实践中也存在一些不足与缺陷。But civil protest in the judicial system in practice there are still some deficiencies and inadequate.

但是对民事抗诉中的案源、抗诉范围以及抗诉的审级问题的规定却还有需改进的地方。But improvement is needed in the case sources, limits of protest and the inquisition levels of protest.

首先,民事抗诉具有宪法、基本法、司法解释等法律根据。First of all, civil protest has such legal bases as constitution, Basic Law, judicial explanation, etc.

随着检察机关对审判活动监督力度的增强,民行抗诉案件正趋于增长之势。With the strengthening of the supervision in the judicial activities, the protested cases of CA are increasing.

第一百八十六条人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。Article 186 Cases in which protest was made by the people's procuratorate shall be retried by the people's court.

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出席民事再审庭审,是检察机关行使抗诉权的一项主要内容。Attending the civil court rehearing is one major duty for procuratorial organ to exercise the counterappeal right.

对人民检察院抗诉的案件,第二审人民法院应当开庭审理。People's Court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a People's Procuratorate.

文章仅就检察机关在办理民事抗诉案件中的调查取证问题略作探讨和研究。The author inquires into studies and the problems of investigation when the People's Procuratorate examines the civil cases.

其次,进一步改革检察机关审判监督的刑事抗诉机制、事后监督机制。Secondly, the further reform of the criminal prosecution trial supervision protest mechanism, ex post facto oversight mechanisms.

辉瑞公司在美国提起抗诉。因为上诉法院的判决还没有确定,所以辉瑞公司还保持它的名声。Pfizer maintains its innocence and suits brought against the firm in the US since the Appeals court decision have not yet been heard.

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关于民事抗诉制度,学界和司法界长期存在“废”、“立”两种针锋相对的观点。To abolish" or "to establish" has long been the two sharp opposite views about civil protest system both in academia and in judicature.

人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。Trials of appealed and protested cases in the People's Courts shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges.

人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。The trial of an appealed or protested case in a people's court shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges.