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试用自己的文字定义什麽是「五方连体」。Definite the "Pentominoes-Cube" in your own words.

阿弥陀佛是五方佛之一。Amitabha Buddha is one of the five meditating Buddhas.

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试用自己的文字定义什麽是「五方连」。Write down the definition of "Pentominoes" in your own word.

所谓“五方”,指的是东、南、中、西、北五个方位。Five directions include the east, south, middle, west and north.

青花瓷碎,五方土重归中华大地怀抱。Blue and white porcelain is broken, five field of the earth return to embrace.

诚然,我们并非在每次祷告的时候,都周全地兼顾这五方面的祷告。We may not be able to include all of these five kinds of prayer every time we pray.

七仙女回称不曾听说,请的是五方五老、三清四帝及名宫名殿大小尊神。" The fairies answered, "She invited the gods of each palace. " The Sage was angered by this.

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试利用五个相同五个相同五个相同五个相同的「五方连」砌出一个大正方形。Try to use five identical "Pentominoes" to assemble a large square like the figure on the left.

为达到“公司、供方、品牌、代理、消费者”五方共赢的目标而努力。We will make our efforts to gain mutual success of " Company, suppliers, brands, agents and consumers".

地-井五方位IP是目前井中激电的广泛应用的工作方式之一。The surface-borehole 5-direction IP survey is one of widespread applied methods in in-hole IP surveying.

在实施通识教育的过程中,西南财大主要存在以下五方面的问题。In the procedure of general education, the university was confronted mainly with problems of five aspects.

“早期儿童养育和发展”体系是针对2-5岁儿童专门设计的,同样旨在促进儿童以上五方面能力的发展。"Early Child Play" system is aimed for 2-5 year-old children and it also help train the above five qualities.

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尽管表面上极富耐心,会谈的其他五方似乎都茫然不知所措。The other five parties to the nuclear talks, under the guise of showing patience, seem at a loss as to what to do.

我想提升我的英语听说读写译五方面的技巧。I want to improve my skills of Listening , Speaking , Reading , Writing and Translating or Interpreting in English.

在伦敦这样一个五方杂处,令人莫测的怪地方,苏荷区恐怕是最最不适合福尔赛精神的了。Of all quarters in the queer adventurous amalgam called london, soho is perhaps least suited to the forsyte spirit.

中国古代建筑所用的颜色就与传统五行、五方说相关。So, the colors used in traditional architecture correspond to the theory of the Five Elements and the Five Regions.

中方希望通过与其他五方的共同努力,把已经达成的共识以书面形式确定下来。The Chinese side hopes to lay down the reached consensus in written form through joint efforts with the other five parties.

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金正日做出了声明,他在试探我们的关系,他很想知道我们另外五方是否会保持团结。He has made declarations and he is testing the relationship. He is wondering whether or not the five of us will stay unified.

从荞麦壳中黄酮类化合物、半纤维素、棕色素、多糖等五方面介绍了荞麦壳的研究进展及其新用途。In this paper, the process of buckwheat hull flavoid compound, hemicelluloses, brown pigment, polysaccharide were summarized.

居民也变得五方杂处,各地的人都来了,有的带来了惊人的新技术,有的显示了防不胜防的狡猾伎俩。Settlers, too, came from distant countries, some with an alarming novelty of skill, others with an offensive advantage in cunning.