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特罗姆瑟人把这一天叫做“太阳日”。People can't see the sun all day and all night.

世界新闻报是太阳日报的姊妹版。News of the World was the Sunday sister paper of The Sun.

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过了549个太阳日,他的队员回到火星带他回家。After 549 solar days his crew mates came back to take him home.

在日常生活中,以平太阳日的长度为基础。In everyday life, in order to level the length of the solar day basis.

每天太阳崛起提供了单位时间短,太阳日。The daily rising of the sun provided a short unit of time, the solar day.

我们可以从太阳日光层观测卫星的日冕仪中证实磁绳在那里。We could verify that the flux ropewas there in the coronagraph from SOHO.

一个太阳日就是地球绕太阳转一周所需的时间长度。The day of a the sun is the Earth to round the sun turns a time for need length.

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无论你是否准备好,太阳日全蚀将会在今天发生,在亚洲地区的人都会看到日全蚀。Ready or not, a total solar eclipse will occur today where people in Asia can see it.

我们相信观众不会有机会错过了世界首演一旦他们看到太阳日索莱伊表演。We believe audiences won't get a chance to miss the world premiere once they see the Cirque de Soleil performing.

作为磁法勘探中的干扰源,它的幅度很小,所以远不及太阳日变分量那么重要。Its low amplitude makes it less important as a source of disturbance in magnetic prospecting than the solar component.

最后,通过对上海太阳日总辐射的预测实例表明,该方法在预测太阳辐射时是可行的。An example is presented with the daily forecasted total solar irradiance in Shanghai, and the results indicate that the method is satisfactory for the forecast of solar irradiance.