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也许又一个浴火重生的故事。Perhaps another story.

在长梦中重生。Respawn in the long dream.

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就让我在火中重生!Let me renascence in the fire!

“凤凰涅磐,浴火重生”!Phoenix Nirvana, Born of Fire.

并给我一次重生的机会。Give me a chance for next of kins.

浸礼本身并不会使人重生。Baptism does not itself regenerate.

古埃及人相信转世重生吗?Did they believe in re-incarnation?

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后来才知道原来重生了…Just know original renascence later.

每天当你意识到有人在你身边关爱着你时,你便和爱与喜悦一起重生。Each day you are reborn with love and

立嗣与重生是不同的。Adoption and regeneration are distinct.

因此,即使网络消失了,它亦获得了重生。So even as the Web died, it was reborn.

吾从火中来,于火焰中重生。We come from the fire in flames rebirth.

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我将保持同样的姿态直到终老,重生。Keeping the same posture till next birth.

这个世界将要面对重生的犹大。Judas, reborn, is about to face the world.

浴火重生的新家园,正汇聚升腾起新的希望。Ashes of new homes, is gathering a new hope.

或是继续经营,以期浴火重生。or keep trading in the hope of resurrection.

今年标志着美国公告牌音乐奖的重生。This year marks the Billboard Awards' rebirth.

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你只能在你的小队长放置的接力重生点重生。You can only spawn at your squads Rally Point.

重生不可从它的果子分开。Inseparability of regeneration from its fruits.

相反的情景是重生或伤病痊愈。The reverse is experiencing rebirth or healing.