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有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党。Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats.

有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党。Several labour mps break away to join the social democrats.

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在2005年的德国大选中,社会民主党输给了联盟党。In 2005, Social Democratic Party has lost to Alliance Party in election.

期间,马克思主义者长期以来一直称他们自己为“社会民主党人”。Meanwhile the Marxists had long been calling themselves social-democrats.

杰里米从不失去竭力支持社会民主党人的机会。Jeremy never misses an opportunity to beat the drum for the Social Democrats.

这次选举是保守党、工党以及社会民主党三方的较量。The election was a three-cornered fight between Conservatives, Labour and SLD.

此举是由巴西国会的反对党,社会民主党所进行。The initiative was started by government leaders of the opposition PSDB party.

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但是对于巴西社会民主党,这将使它更难以建立独特的政治认同。But for the PSDB, it will make it harder to carve out a distinct political identity.

工会从来没有给人们带来一个社会民主党例如像英国的工党。Its trade unions never gave rise to a social-democratic party like Britain's Labour, for example.

2009年社会民主党在政府换届中下台时,因为技术实用主义被看中,艾歇尔留了下来。He survived the SPD's removal from government in 2009 because his technical pragmatism was valued.

葡萄牙社会民主党在一场重要的大选中击败了社会主义政府获得胜利。Portugal's Social Democrats have unseated the Socialist government in an emphatic election victory.

新的社会民主党领袖哈坎。于霍尔特是一个缺乏活力的人,没能很好的鼓舞其选民和党派。A lacklustre new Social Democratic leader, Hakan Juholt, has inspired neither the voters nor his party.

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葡萄牙选后测验称,在野社会民主党赢得了大选。Exit polls in Portugal suggest the centre-right opposition Social Democrats have won the general election.

瑞士的两大主要政党,右翼的瑞士人民党和左翼的社会民主党皆反对这一提案。The country's two main parties, the right-wing Swiss People's Party and the Social Democrats, opposed the ban.

在冰岛的大选中,社会民主党获胜,因此约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂会继续任职总理。The Social Democrats triumphed in Iceland's election, so Johanna Sigurdardottir will continue as prime minister.

列宁号召国际社会民主党中的革命派与社会主义的叛徒决裂。Lenin called on the revolutionary wing of international social democracy to split from the traitors to socialism.

它与联合政府和它的前身“社会民主党-绿党”政府制定的改革政策进行长期的内部争斗。It has feuded internally over reforms enacted by the grand coalition and its predecessor, an SPD-Green government.

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马克思1818年的出生地在1947年被德国社会民主党转变成了卡尔·马克思博物馆。The house where Marx was born in 1818 was turned into the Museum-Karl-Marx-Haus in 1947 by Germany's Social Democratic Party.

双赢理论是最能体现西欧社会民主党价值观变革的理论。The two-win theory is the principle that has fully considered the core value point of west European Socialist democratic party.

德国的两大人民党派联合——社会民主党和联盟党——长期以来一直是其令人称羡的政治制度的中流砥柱。GERMANY’S two big parties— the Volksparteien or “people’s parties”—have long been the pillars of an enviably stable political system.