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阴间哪,你的毁灭在那里?Where is your destruction o sheol ?

阴间即使派来牛头马面。Even if cattle, horsed were sent from hell.

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他活了过来并成为统治阴间的神。He rose, and ruled as god of the underworld.

一为帮荣,牺牲重返阴间的能量。A return to help honor the grave, sacrifice power.

他们清楚地知道阴间的君主是不可能犒劳他们的。They know he can’t pay them from beyond the grave.

死亡和阴间也被扔在火湖里。And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.

居尔特人也会准备美食给阴间的鬼怪。The Celtics also offered the ghosts good things to eat.

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宇宙古史谈论了阴间世界的七个级别。The Puranas talk about seven levels of the Netherworld.

你要用杖打他,就可以救他的灵魂免下阴间。Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

智慧人从生命的道上升,是他远离在下的阴间。For the wise the path of life leads upward, in order to avoid Sheol below.

阴间和灭亡永不满足,人的眼目也是如此。Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man.

他的家是在阴间之路,下到死亡之宫。Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.

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乾旱炎热消没雪水.阴间也如此消没犯罪之辈。Drought and heat consume the snow waters, So does Sheol those who have sinned.

阴间和灭亡,永不满足。人的眼目,也是如此。The underworld and abaddon are never full and the eyes of man have never enough.

韦莱斯是一个重大的斯拉夫水域神,但后来他成为了阴间的神。Veles was a major Slavic god of waters, but later he became a god of underworld.

阎罗,即阎罗王,又称阎魔罗王、阎魔王等,是中国人非常熟悉阴间之王。Yama, namely Yama-raja, or king of Hell, etc, is very familiar to Chinese people.

我们好象阴间,把他们活活吞下,他们如同下坑的人,被我们囫囵吞了。Like Sheol let us swallow them alive and whole, like those who go down to the Pit.

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别管是在人世还是去阴间,她的习惯是在所有场合都不轻举妄动。She had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market, worldly or other.

谁能常活免死,救他的灵魂脱离阴间的权柄呢?What man can live and not see death, or save himself from the power of the grave ?

因为你必不将我的魂撇在阴间,也不叫你的圣者见朽坏。For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor will You let Your holy one see the pit.