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他心里直扑腾。His heart was throbbing.

鱼还在扑腾。The fish are still flopping about.

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我站在那里看着那条鱼扑腾着I stood there watching that fish flip-flop

他在泥泞的河底像一条鱼一样扑腾着。Flopped like a fish against the muddy ground.

汤姆在海里乱扑腾,设法不被溺死。Tom beat about in the sea,trying not to drown.

鸟儿在小河水面上扑腾,把河水搅浑。The bird muddled the brook with its splashings.

狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.

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一只只鸭子抛向空中,“嘎嘎”叫着扑腾到水面。Quacking ducks are tossed up over the water one after another.

这想法有如被火光吸引的飞蛾在她心里扑腾着。The thought fluttered in her mind like a flame-attracted moth.

我想大概是因为,每次当我看到你,我的心就开始扑腾扑腾的猛跳。I think it's cause my heart starts pounding every time I see u.

船儿兜底翻了过来,鼹鼠在河里扑腾着挣扎。Over went the boat, and he found himself struggling in the river.

鸽子在天花板下噼里啪啦地向上扑腾五颜六色的翅膀。Pigeons lifted from the roofs in a clatter of multicolored wings.

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由于他非常兴奋,他心里开始扑腾越来越多的不稳定。As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

莫尔蒙的乌鸦用它那双黑亮精明的眼看着,然后扑腾到窗口。Mormont's raven watched with shrewd black eyes, then fluttered to the window.

他们忙完手头的活就扑腾扑腾地跳下湖,大叫痛快。They jumped into the lake after finishing their chopping work and hurrayed out of joy.

是个猴子就给他们座山折腾折腾,是条龙就给他们条大江大河扑腾扑腾。Is a monkey to their mountain toss toss is a dragon gave them large rivers thump thump.

你讨厌了在社交场合总是手心冒汗,心里扑腾扑腾乱跳?Are you tired of getting sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach in social situations?

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大部分的旅途中我都转过头看后面的鱼,看着它们在篮筐里扑腾。I passed much of the trip looking back at the fish as they sloshed around in their baskets.

炊烟腾空而起,就像仙人起飞的仙云,扑腾迷离,时隐时现。Smoke into the sky, like a fairy taking off Xian-yun, thump blurred, when disappeared the next.

他打开公文包时,一堆纸页飞出,好像成千只鸽子顶着墙乱扑腾。When he opened the briefcase, papers flew out, a thousand doves flailing against the walls of the alley.