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我开始模仿他那捉摸不定的神色。I now began to imitate his covert looks.

这杂志的立场观点总是认人捉摸不定。The magazine's stand is very hard to locate.

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害羞的女孩时常令男孩子捉摸不定。Coy girls often like to play cat and mouse with Boys.

那个国家的局势更使人捉摸不定。The situation in that country is more puzzling than ever.

罗明脸上始终挂着和令人捉摸不定的微笑缓缓地说着。Luo Ming face always hung and elusive smile gently saying.

然而其他研究者并不确信这种让人捉摸不定的神秘物质已经被找到。Others remain unconvinced the elusive stuff has finally been found.

但波特曼还是让她的影迷捉摸不定她未来的计划。But Portman is still keeping her fans guessing about her future plans.

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我那条狗的脾气捉摸不定,参加狗展时常咬裁判。My dog, whose temper is very uncertain, often bites judges at dog shows.

这种观点不仅是其梦想中最为捉摸不定的一块,同时也是最烧钱的一块。It's the most uncertain aspect of his dream -- and also the most expensive.

多年来,金正日的立场一直在好战与和解之间摇摆,捉摸不定。For years, Kim has veered unpredictably between belligerence and conciliation.

所以下次跳舞的时候如果感觉身体有点“捉摸不定”,那就继续吧!So, the next time you feel like getting a little "freaky" when you dance, go for it!

式样外形的品质让人捉摸不定是时尚业最大的挑战。The unpredictable quality of pattern shapes is a big challenge in the fashion industry.

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您可能需要考虑捉摸不定你的脑袋向上和向下几次当你的思维。You may want to consider bobbing your head up and down a few times while you're thinking.

在众多的亚原子粒子家族中,中微子是最令人捉摸不定的基本态粒子。Neutrino is the most unstable elementary state particle in numerous subsonic atom particles.

但人民的王妃戴安娜的离去让我打击不小,---我一直觉得皇室家庭总有点捉摸不定。The death of the People's Princess came as a blow – I always found the Royal Family a bit freaky!

因为苏珊娜这个角色实在太让人捉摸不定了,我就花了很长时间才摸透苏珊娜的脾性。It took me a long time to get Susanna's character just right because she is quite elusive as a person.

和其他在沿海平原兜来兜去的河流一样,印度河下游的河道捉摸不定。Like other rivers that wind across coastal plains, the course of the lower Indus River shifts frequently.

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但是,以合适的距离围绕母星公转的类地岩石行星的行踪依然捉摸不定。Smaller, rocky planets orbiting at a comfortable distance from their stars-as the Earth does-remain more elusive.

贬值人民币,长期来看并无好处,短期来看其影响也捉摸不定,如此,中国干吗还要贬值人民币呢?Why should China do something that is not in its long-term interests and whose impact in the short-run is uncertain?

这项工作在自然现象的隐秘性上和真实情况的捉摸不定上下足了功夫,而且所有的信息完全是用代码表示的。The work is a meditation on the nature of secrecy and the elusiveness of truth, its message written entirely in code.