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嘿,一起吧,我有猎枪。Hey. I got shotgun.

她扣动了猎枪的扳机。She pulled the trigger.

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我拿起猎枪,扣动了扳机。I raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger.

我就想拿起猎枪,把所有子弹都射在它身上。I want to grab a shotgun and go all Cheney on them.

一旦没有人能注视下来一个散弹猎枪,领袖说。The Chief said once no one can stare down a shotgun.

弹药很难获得,特别是双管猎枪。It is hard to get ammunition, even the right shotgun.

他抄起一杆猎枪去看个究竟。He took a pump-action shotgun and went to investigate.

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最意想不到的武器是双筒猎枪。The most surprising weapon was the double-barrel shotgun.

至于那把枪,如果我非法狩猎,我应该带来复枪或猎枪。And that gun, if I was poaching I'd have a rifle or shotgun.

他们中的一个握着把猎枪对准这个男人的脸。One of them had a sawed-off shotgun right in the man's face.

Kari被附近墙上的猎枪架分了神。Kari's eyes strayed to a rack of shotguns on the wall nearby.

好几支猎枪的枪口,同时瞄准了这些空中猎物。Several muzzles at once aimed at the fleeing birds in the air.

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那杆猎枪是件漂亮的德国货,有刻着十字标尺线的瞄准镜。The rifle was a beautiful German thing with cross-hair sights.

况且偷地行窃,怎么会携带猎枪?Besides steal a ground of pilferage, how can take a hunting rifle?

于是,这次采访就在成箱的弹药、猎枪和捕鸭网中展开了。It was conducted amid boxes of ammunition, shotguns and duck decoys.

她的手象火柴棍一样纤细,但却牢牢地握着那枝猎枪。Her hands were matchstick-thin, but her grasp on the shotgun was firm.

当它采完蘑菇正想回家时,一支猎枪瞄准了它。End of mushroom when it was going to adopt home, a shotgun aimed at it.

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由于巨大的忿怒,农场主再装填他的猎枪并且开了枪。With great rage, the farmer reloads his shotgun and blows away the pigs.

它们不停地要将我击垮纵然我毫无防范。猎枪。They kept trying to put me in the ground but I wso asn't recraigslist ady.

法国针对手枪有严格的枪支管制法规,但并不限制猎枪。France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles.