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也就是说,那些无边的爱一丝一毫都没有留下。Ergo, no trace of either of those great loves remains.

一丝一毫的夸大都可能导致严重的后果。A little exaggeration can lead to serious consequences.

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帕蒂对我没有一丝一毫的尊重,你简直无法想象。Patty’s so full of disrespect for me, you can’t believe it.

我们美国人很多不能接受我们的体系存在一丝一毫的故障。Many of us Americans cannot accept that our system has any faults.

你当时认为我没有一丝一毫真正的感情,我相信你当时一定是那样想法。You thought me then devoid of every proper feeling, I am sure you did.

他又一次仔细感受这海风,却还是无法体察到一丝一毫陆地的气息。Again he tasted the wind and smelled it, but there was no hint of land.

我不会带走一丝一毫的奉献精神,由于我最神圣的母亲。I will not take away an iota of the devotion due to my most holy mother.

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他们剥夺了我的尊严,让我没有一丝一毫的人身权利!They strip me of my dignity and take the vilest liberties with my person!

这里面最主要的特征是逼真,整个交互过程中的一丝一毫都栩栩如生。The primary characteristic of it is realism, because the interactions feel real.

柴可夫斯基,在他那形成性格的岁月里,对音乐从未表现出一丝一毫的兴趣。Tschaikowsky never showed a shit of interest in music during his formative years.

然而冰牢坚固无比,她的“天蚕破”根本撼动不了冰门的一丝一毫。Ice firm firm, however, her wild silkworm break ice not shake the door of a spark.

他们,就是我们羡慕的似乎可以吃任何东西而体重却不会增加一丝一毫那些人。These are the people we envy who seemingly can eat anything and not gain an ounce.

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一切行动都在隐藏地进行,没有一丝一毫地透露给新闻界。Everything had been done behind the scenes, hush-hush , without any leaks to the media.

但是社区学院从未见过一丝一毫的钱,因为奥巴马没能向国会兜售他的计划。But they never saw any of that money because the president couldn't sell his plan to Congress.

其他的行星都惊异于全新的、美丽的叶和兰,竟然没有了一丝一毫的嫉妒。The other planets were too awed by Yee and Lan's new beauty to feel even the slightest drop of jealousy.

我想说这根本就不会困扰我一丝一毫,因为我更喜欢在没有太被大家看好的情况下出征比赛。I have to say it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, because I prefer to start out without too much fanfare.

这将把这些从国家媒体和设施里得不到一丝一毫好处的村民的问题暴露在聚光灯下。It will bring spot light to the problem of these villagers who do not hold any interest in national media and state.

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美国政局更多的是被政治家们扭转历史方向的能力而非新思想所改变,哪怕改变一丝一毫。Politics is moved less by new ideas than by the ability of politicians to bend the direction of history, even slightly.

然后国王领她穿过芳香扑鼻的花园和巍峨高大的殿堂,但她的嘴唇上和她的眼睛里,没有一丝一毫的笑容闪现。Afterwards he led her through fragrant gardens and lofty halls, but not a ile appeared on her lips or sparkled in her eyes.

虽然我的话全都很激烈,但却无法给那光润嫩白的脸颊上添加一点儿血色,也无法使那对痴呆呆的眼睛露出一丝一毫的神态。All my hot words could not bring one tinge of color to those ivory cheeks or one gleam of emotion to those abstracted eyes.