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郭嵩焘是近代中国著名的洋务思想家和外交官。Guo Songtao was a famous theoretician of foreign things in china.

洋务企业是近代中国早期工业化的产物。Yangwu enterprises were the outcome of early Chinese industrialization.

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郑观应是中国早期的洋务官僚之一。Zhengguanying was one of the early westernization bureaucrats of China.

第二次鸦片战争后,洋务运动兴起。After "The Second Opium War", the Westernization movement has developed.

这是洋务官员对“夷夏之防”观念的突破。This is a foreign affairs official, "Yi Xia's defenses, " the concept of breakthrough.

这反应了李鸿章洋务外交的若干特点。From that, we can see some characteristics of Li Hongzhang's diplomatism of westernization.

丁日昌是近代中国一位有争议的地方督抚大员、洋务实干家。TING Jih-ch'ang was a disputed local governor and western affairs practiser in modern China.

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论文首先分析了湖湘洋务教育思想的形成背景。The thesis has first analyzed the formation background of Huxiang Westernization education thinking.

盛宣怀对洋务实业的掌控和他个人的巨额财产是其参与发展社会事业的权力保障和经济基础。His control of the companies and his own huge assets were the power and economic base for his charity.

就目前文献资料而言,对刘坤一的研究主要集中在洋务运动和东南互保。The study on Liu was mainly focused on Westernization Movement and Mutual Protection of the Southeast.

⑥可见,这时洋务官员深刻感到“师夷”的重要性与紧迫性。"⑥ can be seen, when foreign affairs officials, deeply felt" barbarians "and the importance and urgency.

但洋务运动和戊戌变法都失败了,随后清政府自身所进行的近代化变革道路也走向终结。However the two movements together with the reformation of the Qing Government were doomed to end in failure.

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鸦片战争后,经过洋务运动,又使火试金分析技术在中国起死回生,逐渐孕育和萌芽。After the opium war the westemizationing movement made the modem fire assay relive, sprout and grow gradually.

就在那时,曾国藩为了兴办洋务,广纳人才,并向容闳发出了邀请。At that time Zeng Guofan, busy recruiting people for his westernization drive, issued an invitation to Yung Wing.

太平天国运动加速了中国近代历史的进程,推动了洋务运动的勃兴。The Taiping movement accelerated the progress of China's modern history and promoted the Westernization Movement.

就在这时,曾国藩为了兴办洋务,广泛招聘人才,向容闳发出了邀请。At that time, Zeng Guofan, busy recruiting people for his Westernization drive, issued an invitation to Rong Hong.

批判洋务思想和洋务派是梁启超变法思想的重要组成部分之一。The criticisms of Westernization Group and it's thought is an important part of Liang Qichao's thought about reform.

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洋务运动是部分先进的中国人探索中国近代化的过程。Westernization Movement is the process in which some Chinese with advanced knowledge explore how to modernize China.

洋务企业未能及时改弦更张以根除企业弊病来求得应有发展,这是其一大教训。The historical lesson is that Yangwu enterprises didn't reform and exterminate the faults timely for further development.

第二次鸦片战争后,随着洋务运动的开展,中国的传统教育也走上了近代化之路。After the Second Opium War, going with foreign affair movement, the traditional education of China also started to modernize.