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他昨晚回家时已烂醉如泥。He nodded out home last night.

好的,我仍然烂醉如泥。Well, okay, I still get stoned.

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昨夜他确实烂醉如泥。He was really poleaxed last night.

狗不抽烟或喝得烂醉如泥。Dogs never smoke or drink under the table.

昨天晚上他回到家的时候已完全烂醉如泥。He came home totally rat-arsed last night.

他在除夕晚会上喝得烂醉如泥。He was dead drunk in the New Year Eve party.

啄烂醉如泥的胡椒彼得吹笛者被选。A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

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他们烂醉如泥,踉踉仓仓的走出酒馆。They staggered out of the pub, completely drunk.

他在圣诞节聚会上烂醉如泥。He got absolutely sozzled at the Christmas party.

他烂醉如泥,他刚才一直在和朋友们喝酒。He is dead drunk. He's been drinking with his friends.

当他们通过名字抓到唐尼时,唐尼仍然烂醉如泥,辛格说。When they picked up Tony, who goes by one name, he was still drunk, Mr. Singh said.

还有狗不会说对你做的饭挑三拣四。狗不抽烟或喝得烂醉如泥。And dogs don't complain about your cooking. Dogs never smoke or drink under the table.

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在此之前,社交活动总是在酒吧或酒馆里进行,人们总是喝到烂醉如泥,不知羞耻。Before that, everyone socialized in bars and pubs, drinking to the point of shameful drunkeness.

如果某个烂醉如泥的酒鬼开车把人给撞了,你会跑去敲通用汽车公司的门吗?If some booze-besotten drunk runs someone down, do you go banging on the doors at General Motors?

这时史黛拉表演结束后来到小酒馆,发现霍夫曼喝的烂醉如泥,便与林道夫一同离开。Arriving in the tavern after her performance, the singer finds Hoffmann drunk and leaves with Lindorf.

现在乔斯已完全相信,前面那辆车的司机绝对是烂醉如泥了,于是开始减速,和它保持大约十个车身左右的距离。Jose slowed until he was about ten car lengths behind what he was now convinced was a very drunk driver.

“像狐狸一样狡猾”、“像臭鼬一样烂醉如泥”这样的习语对动物有失公平。Phrases such as “sly as a fox, “eat like a pig” or “drunk as a skunk” are all unfair to animals, they claim.

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幸运的是我们和大多数人尽管偶尔会喝得烂醉如泥,但还是毫发未损地毕业了。Fortunately for us and many others we graduated from college unscathed, despite the occasional binge drinking.

谁对谁说了什么,那些领导人总是烂醉如泥,或者那些领导靠不住,这些都被多家报纸当成花边新闻刊登出来。Newspapers scour them for juicy titbits of who said what to whom, and which leaders were perpetually drunk or unreliable.

此外,”像狐狸一样狡猾”、”像猪一样饕餮”、”像臭鼬一样烂醉如泥”这样的习语,被认为对动物有失公平。Phrases such as "sly as a fox", "eat like a pig" and "drunk as a skunk" are all unfair to animals, the academics suggest.