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真是天大的喜讯!Great news!

真是一个烫手山芋。Hot potato.

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真是一个大笑话!What a joke!

这道牛肉排骨真是太特别了。It’s special.

她真是一个牛哇。She is a cow.

这真是龌龊。This is ugly.


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他们真是好人!They are good!

他真是个多嘴多舌的人。He is talkative.

哦哟,真是对不起。Oh, I'm so sorry.

这真是讽刺。There's an irony.

我真是为你高兴。I am glad for you.

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我现在正付出代价,真是现世报!I'm paying for it!

说来话长!真是一言难尽!It's a long story!

那真是坑人。That is a rip-off.

真是恶心。That's disgusting.

这个修鞋的人真是聪明!What a clever man.

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你真是天降福星。You are a godsend.

你真是料事如神。You are prophetic.

嗨,可能这对你真是有点大材小用。Hey, maybe you are.