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不求收藏!但求阅看!Do not beg collect!

我收藏了他所有的影集。I had all his albums.

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我喜欢收藏电影海报。I love movie posters.

你为什么要收藏邮票?Why do you collect stamps?

在CCL的收藏中,那是耶鲁大学的高流通库。It's in the CCL collection.

谢谢分享,收藏一个!Thanks for sharing this sub.

罗马真是个懂得收藏经典的城市。Rome is such a cherished city.

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什么是收藏的图标集?What are favorited icon packs?

而且是从很久以前的收藏一直到现在的,and from way back up until now,

加入收藏加入比较。Add to Favorites Add to compare.

多年来他一直从事收藏工作。He has been collecting for years.

说说他或她的收藏。Tell about his or her collection.

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一些收藏级的蟋蟀正在出售。A collection of crickets for sale.

要是能买一件收藏起来那就好了!If only I could buy one to collect!

伟大始于藐小。学习收藏下。From small learning come great things.

什么样的电影海报有收藏价值?What makes a movie poster collectable?

一个叫韦尔科姆收藏馆,One was called the Wellcome Collection,

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农民把农具收藏在小屋里。The farmer housed farm tools in a shed.

在英国收藏中,他们还店庆了106种日本目前已经不存在的维管植物物种。that were not present in Japanese ones.

握手之后,艾尔维斯开始展示他的警徽收藏。Then Elvis showed off his police badges.