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建造一个新的生态城作为榜样是当务之急。A new model is certainly needed.

我认为当务之急是要通力合作。I believe now that cooperation is everything.

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保住潜艇和全艇人员的安全是当务之急。The safety of the boat and crew becomes paramount.

改革旧有体制成为当务之急。The top priority is to reform the timeworn system.

修复保护区是范志勇他们目前的当务之急。Restoring the reserve is now Mr Fan's top priority.

作出决策乃当务之急,此事必然地落在他身上。The necessity for making decisions devolves on him.

但显然向中国示好成为其当务之急。But buttering up China appears to be a new priority.

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当务之急,乃我那一大堆被我拖了一个星期的作业等着我去完成。Only you self know what you get and what you achieve.

但在他看来,应对气候变化同样是当务之急。For him, tackling climate change is every bit as urgent.

第二个当务之急的事情是处理物品复制及其带来的后果。The second top priority is duping and the aftermath of it.

达玛纳吉说,制止这种海上犯罪是当务之急。Damanaki said restraining this crime on the seas is urgent.

当务之急是,有效的进攻就是最好的防守。For now, your best defense, as they say, is a good offense.

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我认为,当务之急首先是得把你撵出去。I think the first order of business is to get you out of here.

克莱菲尔德认为当务之急是男孩的书写问题。One of the most urgent issues, says Kleinfeld, is boys' writing.

现在的当务之急是务必把“治安维持会”的事情办好。Now the urgent task is to make sure you get vigilante thing right.

鼓励农民种棉是宏观调控的当务之急。Encourage farmers to macro-control of cotton is a matter of urgency.

当务之急是扩大中、日、韩三国的经济合作。We should enlarged economy cooperation among China, Japan and Korea.

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如何利用可再生资源,走绿色环保道路才真的是当务之急。Using renewable resources and going green is still the right thing to do.

煤矸石的环境治理问题已成当务之急。The environmental management of coal waste has become an impending problem.

这四个国家的当务之急就是要阻止货币的进一步崩溃。The first priority for these four must be to stop further currency collapse.