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蜡烛不能两头点,一精一力不可过分耗。You cannot burn the candle at both ends.

咱们一力以赴学英语。We made an all-out effort to learn English.

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这个经理尽他的一力来帮忙新手底下。The manager bent over backwards to help new employees.

在中国咱们正在尽一力降低人口数目的增加。We are trying our vest to slow down the population increase in Chellona.

但我的父母理解我的这个想法,愿意一力撑持我的学业。But my parents understood my idea, I am willing to fully support the school.

他的米尔小点调制盘只将是准确的在一力量,通常最高。His mil-dot reticle will only be accurate at one power, usually the highest.

今天,一个新的全然不同的时代呼唤我们运用这一力量。Today, in a new and very different era, we are called upon to use that power.

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这是哈利波特系列的又一力作,改编自J.K.罗琳的第四部小说。This one is another great Harry Potter movie based on J. K. Rowling’s fourth novel.

人们认为,这位播音员后来低声下气地道歉是由白宫向美国广播公司施压而一力促成的。White House pressure on ABC is thought to be behind a grovelling apology later issued by the broadcaster.

太阳也要从中汲取能量的这一力量,被释放在那些导致远东战争的人身上。The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East.

契约的最终履行效果有赖于一力面从内部强化契约管理,另一方面从外部引入行业协调。Inorder to insure the effectiveness of contract, we must intensify contract management and induce industrial harmony.

泽林希望,俄能够与北约共同加强这一力量,提出了统一空天防御系统计划。Zelin hope that Russia and NATO can work together to strengthen the forces, and a unified air and space defense system.

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河南大学农业科学院大四学生,22岁的冯文江就是此中一员,他正竭尽一力地寻觅事情。Feng Wenjiang, a 22-year-old senior at Henan University's college of agriculture, for example, is trying hellos level best.

对于作用在一物体上的任一力来说,总存在着大小相等、方向相反的第二个力作用在另一物体上。For every force thatacts on one body there is a second force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction thatacts upon another body.

关于置办多少酒席、宴请哪些宾客,也由宋家一力承担包办了。Concerning purchase how much banquet, entertain which visitors, is also undertaken by one dent in Sung house entirely responsible for.

因此,如果我有幸进入贵校学习,我一力会为了自己的理想而努力。谢谢。Thus, I must make great efforts for my ideal if I were fortune enough to have the chance to study in your esteemed college. Thanks a lot!

提出了边界有初始小变形的四边简支矩形层板这一力学模型。The mechanics model of simple-supported rectangular laminated composite plates with little pre-deformation on the boundaries is presented.

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令人不满的是,国家党议员们以前一力指责别人只关心靠开罚单挣税收,现在自己的政府却比谁都做得过火、大肆敛财。But it's not good enough for this Government to accuse others in the past of being focused on revenue alone when it's collecting more than ever.

公主为救大家准备一力承担,被激怒的萧玲走出她精心经营建造的沈园,要与沈云做个了断。The princess to save everyone ready to bear alone, enraged Xiao Ling out of her careful management to build Shen garden, wants to make a break with Shen Yun.

为帮助广大涉钢企业了解经济动态,提振经营信心,一力物流与“我的钢铁”网联合主办了此次论坛。Therefore, Apower Logistics and Mysteel websites co-hosted this summit in order to help related enterprises understand the economic situations and restore confidence.