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萨利有一个凸出的高鼻子。Sully has a prominent nose.

他的下巴凸出很多。His chin juts out rather a lot.

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蜘蛛张着凸出的腹部。The spider has a bulgy abdomen.

侦探长的眼珠子都凸出来了。The house detective 's eyes bulged.

她的眼睛比以前更加凸出了。Her eyes were bulging more than ever.

其方向由凸出的箭头指定。It is designated by embossed arrowheads.

通常它在领口上方稍稍凸出。Normally it bulged a bit over his collar.

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悬崖上凸出一块空地。A shelf of land extended from the escarpment.

近视要怎么样保持眼睛不凸出来?How should myopia hold an eye not bulgy come?

大鱼的眼睛凸出,散着冰冷的光,它拿责备的眼神审视着我们。Its cold, bulging eyes appraised us reproachfully.

他的脸颊上也有静脉曲张现象,眼球凸出。Broken veins on his cheeks, too, and the funny eyes.

十一月中旬时胚珠原体凸出胎座表面。Ovule primordia occur from placenta in mid November.

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伊罗步履蹒跚地走近,肚子鼓胀凸出。Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging and distended.

他凸出的大眼珠肯定是这么回事——用隐形眼镜玩出的花招。The funny look in his eyes was it—the trick contact lenses.

他们的眼睛嵌在身体里,一点都不向外凸出。The eyes lie flush with the body and do not protrude at all.

跳板的表面被装上凸出物以防止滑动。The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping.

凸出的腹部是否曾让人见了都会问您是否怀孕了?Does a swollen belly cause people to ask you if you're pregnant?

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齿条齿轮跟踪系统可快速调节凸出的轴。Rack & pinion tracks for quick adjustment for extended mandrels.

盲人用手指摸凸出的点子和线条来阅读。The blind read by touching the bulgy points and lines by fingers.

新警官有个凸出的大肚子,这个是好迹象。The new Sergeant had an overflowing belly, which was a good sign.