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又一篇入门文章?Another primer?

我喜欢读你的文章。I liked your article.

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下篇文章见!See you next article!

这篇文章是给谁的呢?Who is this post for?

文章也收录。Article also included.

你能用媖文写文章吗?Can you jot in English?

我听了她读的文章。I listened as she read.

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谢谢你的文章。Thanks for the article.

他的文章获得好评。His article scored high.

文章的小结。A summary of the article.

你能用英文写文章吗?Can you write in English?

我该如何重新编辑我的洛格文章呢?。How can I re-edit my blog?

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不会这篇文章所说的更多。No more than this article.

这篇文章充满偏见。This article is so biased.

这是一篇漂亮的文章。This is beautiful writing.

那篇文章中没有提到。This passage didn't exist.

感谢这篇文章的作者。Thank you for this article.

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这篇文章还得顺一顺。This essay needs polishing.

它是一个小文章的合辑。It's a collection of essays.

链接到文章摘要。Link to abstract of article.