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第二个建议是,给小作坊们一个机会。Second, give the little guys a chance.

浙江一锡箔作坊600人铅中毒。Lead poisoning sickens 600 in East China.

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文凭或学位作坊总是以多种伪装的形式出现。Diploma or degree mills come in many guises.

他嘁嘁喳喳地说要买个新作坊。He twittered on about buying a new workshop.

木匠正在作坊里锤打。The carpenter was hammering in his workshop.

制弓作坊允许训练基本的远程部队。Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.

大的研究机构变成了研究小作坊。Institutions have turned to research boutiques for advice.

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商业版的黑客空间叫做“科技作坊”。Commercial versions of Hackerspaces are called ‘TechShops.’

相比之下,社交网络为“米慎派”这样的作坊带来的收益要少得多。Rewards for outfits such as Mission Pie will be far more modest.

他们成为农民和商人,在作坊和工厂里劳作。They became farmers and merchants, worked in mills and factories.

家庭小作坊已经开始兴起制造价值值得怀疑的专利。A cottage industry has sprung up to produce patents of suspect value.

在1760年之前,标准的程序是把工作带回小作坊匠人们自己的家。Before 1760, it was standard to take work to villagers in there own homes.

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在国内,猪肠通常于家庭作坊内加工,缺乏监管。In China, pig intestines are often cooked in unregulated family workshops.

两个作坊间的院子里有间小屋,上面还有个绣花球。Between the two workspaces stood a little house with hydrangeas in the yard.

丽蒂是作坊师傅的重孙女,和巴丝谢芭年龄相仿。Liddy, the master's great-granddaughter, was about Bathsheba's equal in age.

古老的纸作坊应经被拆除用作建新的购物中心。The old paper mill has been held down to make way for a new shopping centre.

1472年,单单佛罗伦萨市就有84家作坊以及至少7000名纺织工人。In 1472 there were 84 workshops and at least 7000 craftsmen in Florence alone.

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同时也请访问一下草堂作坊,这里也为大家提供了口琴和口琴教程。Please also visit the store on this site. We have harmonicas and lesson books.

远在唐朝中叶,这里就有生产陶瓷的手工作坊。In the Tang Dynasty in the middle, there is the production of ceramic workshops.

解放后所谓的中药厂其实也是一个作坊。After the liberation of the so-called pharmaceutical companies is also a workshop.