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他的搪塞之词是有根源的。He had good reason to prevaricate.

他试图用话把自己的错误搪塞过去。He tried to argue away his mistake.

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他设法把债主搪塞过去了。He managed to stall off his creditor.

他指责部长用搪塞蒙混过关。He accused the minister of prevaricating.

搪塞糊弄是避开了问题,却没有解决问题。Muddle avoids problems, it does not solve them.

而搪塞决不能成为游戏的名字。Prevarication must not be the name of the game.

我答应下星期付他钱,就这样搪塞一下把他打发走了。I put him off with a promise to pay him next week.

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首先,美国财政部应该停止搪塞和糊弄。Treasury Department must stop fudging and obfuscating.

我跟他借钱,他只是拿话搪塞却分文未借。I wanted to borrow money from him, he just gave me the runaround.

隐藏不住心里的那份不安,却再也找不到理由搪塞。Can not hide the heart that uncomfortable, but never find excuses.

那位老牧师试图把他们搪塞过去,说时候不早了。The old priest tried to put them off, saying that the hour was late.

别拿话儿搪塞我们。我们只想知道你到底是意还是不意。Don t give us the Wed. We d just like to know whether you agree or not.

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希望这次你能给我个确切的答复,别再拿话搪塞我了。I hope you can give me a real reply, don't give me the runaround again.

希望这次你能给我个确切的答复,别再拿话搪塞我了。I've come to know the definite answer this time, not the runaround again.

乔恩对他的批评只是搪塞,他并不打算回答它。Jon just fenced with his criticism and made no real attempt to answer it.

搪塞是这个商人喜欢使用的技巧之一。Prevarication is one of the techniques the businessman prefers to employ.

所以即使掩饰搪塞,她也得找个和她心情一致的借口。She would prevaricate, but it would be in the line of her feelings at least.

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别拿话儿搪塞我们,我们只是想知道你到底是同意还是不同意。Don't give us the runaround. We'd just like to know whether you agree or not.

别拿话儿搪塞我们。我们只想知道你到底古汉语翻译是同意还是不同意。Don't give us the runaround. We'd just like to know whether you agree or not.

我跟他借钱,他只是拿话搪塞却分文未借。I borrowed money from him, but he just gave me the runaround and lent me none.