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瑞香狼毒化学成分的研究。Research on Chemical Constituents of Stellera chamaejasme L.

对瑞香狼毒的化学成分及活性方面的研究进行了综述。Chemical constituents and activity of Stellera chamaejasmme L. is reviewed.

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目的建立金边瑞香滴鼻剂中瑞香素的鉴别及含量测定方法。OBJECTIVE To determine and identify the daphnetin content in Daphne odora Thunb nose drops.

试验结果充分表明甘肃瑞香的根际真菌和内生真菌有着丰富的多样性。The result showed the variety in the rhizo-epiphyte and endo-epiphyte of Daphne odora thunb.

结论瑞香狼毒可增强细胞毒化疗药物抗肝癌活性。CONCLUSION SC with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents has a synergistic anti-hepatoma effects.

本研究首次建立用分光光度法测定瑞香狠毒中光敏毒素的含量。In this paper, methods for identifying and determining phototoxoid in stellera chamaejasme L.

目的研究瑞香狼毒甲醇提取物的抗瘤机理。Objective To study the anti-tumor mechanisms of the methanol extract of Stellera chamaejasme L.

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目的观察瑞香抗癌颗粒治疗消化系肿瘤的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effect of Ruixiang Anticancer Granule on digestive tract tumour.

研究了不同生长刺激素及其组合对金边瑞香扦插生根的影响。Different growth hormone and the proportioning were studied about the influence of Daphne odora var.

第二章采用溶剂萃取法对全植株金边瑞香原料进行组分化提取。Chapter 2. Extracting the crude plant of daphne odora var marginata by normal solvent with partition.

目的研究瑞香狼毒石油醚提取物的抗肿瘤作用。Objective To study the antitumor effects of the petroleum ether extract from Stellera Chamaejasˉmel L.

目的建立瑞香狼毒药材蛋白质部位体外活性研究的方法。ObjectiveTo set up the method of detecting in vitro activity of protein site from Stellera chamaejasme L.

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结论瑞香素的抗疟作用与它的铁螯合能力有关。Conclusion The dose-dependent antimalarial activity of daphnetin is related to its iron-chelating activity.

研究了金边瑞香脱毒苗继代增殖与生根的若干影响因素。Several factors which can effect on the propagation and rooting of virus-free seedling of Daphne odora vav.

目的研究瑞香素体外抗疟作用与其铁螯合能力的关系。Objective To investigate the in vitro antimalarial effect of daphnetin relating to its iron-chelating activity.

目的建立金边瑞香滴鼻剂中瑞香素的鉴别及含量测定方法。Objective To establish measurements for determination and identification of daphneitinum content of Daphne odora Thunb nose drops.

同步培养的滋养体阶段疟原虫,在瑞香素作用下DNA合成率明显低于对照组。The level of DNA synthesis of P. f trophozoites in synchronized in vitro culture was significantly lower than that of the control.

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瑞香狼毒素1,5-二苯基-3-羟基-1-戊酮,是本室从杀虫植物瑞香狼毒中分离得到的一个高活性化合物。A high bioactive compound 1,5-diphenyl-3-hydroxyl-1-pentanone was isolated from the extract of the roots of Stellera chamaejasme L.

瑞香狼毒各营养器官总黄酮含量不同,叶中最高,根次之,茎中最少。The flavonoids content in different vegetative organs presents a decreasing tendency from leaf to root and to stem during growing season.

结论化合物9为首次从瑞香科植物中分离所得,其余均为从该植物中首次分离得到。CONCLUSION Compound 9 was first obtained from the plants of Thymelaeaceae, while the others were isolated from this plant for the first time.