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又有花王雍容之大度。Also has peony graceful magnanimous.

预见到会有亏损,雍容大度地接受亏损。Expect and accept losses gracefully.

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雍容华丽的服装,使中年女子更富情韵。Rich and magnificent dresses make middle-aged women more elegant.

贝多芬则是那么的严谨、雍容、博大和丰赡。Beethoven is so stringent, grace, broad and abundance of age support.

彰显骨质瓷雍容典雅之风格,高贵时尚之特点。Demonstrate grace and elegant style of bone china, elegant fashion features.

我们接触了雍容之处和互相分享我们的卓越。We have touched that place of Grace and shared with each other our excellences.

画面上洋溢着雍容、自信、乐观的盛唐风貌。Picture is permeated with grace, confident, optimistic of tang dynasty in style.

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无论从哪个角度进行端赏,它雍容端庄的姿态均不逊其色。No matter from which Angle, the graceful dignified attitude is it bad. Its color.

这是为什么,一个雍容自在的少女康士丹斯·勒德使他颠倒了。Therefore the peculiar soft assurance of a girl like Constance Reid fascinated him.

灯头,灯杆粗细适中,色彩调和雅致,造型雍容大方。Lamp holder, lamp post moderate size, color and delicate, grace appearance modeling.

时尚奢华系列表现一种易雍容、华贵为特征的高雅生活格调。Luxury Series performance of an easy grace, luxurious life style characterized by elegant.

尧、舜为帝,可是仍然保有他们雍容大度的心怀,不会对别人造成压力。Emperors as Yao and Shun, they still kept their grace and tolerance, without pressure to others.

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这是座庭院式酒店,提供的舒适雍容的中国传统客房。This courtyard-style hotel offers the comforts of western amenities in a traditional Chinese setting.

线、面、体的几何构成,雍容大气,尽显王者风范。Geometric structure of line, plane and body, natural and graceful, shows king's demeanor to the limit.

而雍容的红色软陈设则在和谐的米色背景衬托下,展现出独有的东方魅力。The splendid red and quiet green color schemes were adopted to deliver a blend of unique oriental charm.

雍容平正的台阁文风盛行于明代前期。The writing style of the Imperial Ministries was prevalent throughout the first part of the Ming dynasty.

至嚣突然提议思茏重回雍容身边工作,坚持收入供养家庭。To think Long back suddenly grabbed the proposal decorousness and side, insist on income support your family.

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秀馨终病逝,思茏最需求人支持时,只要雍容亲临抚慰。Show the organizing Long end, think most demand died, as long as people support decorousness and visit comfort.

手中的相机不敢轻轻按下快门,怕亵渎了这种雍容沉静。In the hands gently pressed the shutter, the camera did not dare, for fear the desecration of such a quiet grace.

这商人就按了一下键钮,房门神奇地打开了,那个硕大的彩纹玛瑙浴缸就雍容肃穆地滑进房间。The button was pushed, the doors slid magically open, and the great onyx bath glided in stately silence into the room.