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红色是一种暖色,但几乎只在墙上有一小块地方时才用红色。Red is a warm, almost hot color used only if there is a minimum of wall space.

当你把狼从一个地方移居到另一个地方时,它们总是试图回到原来的家。When you move a wolf from one location to another, they try and get back home.

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首先,当到达目标元素开始的地方时设置这个变量。First, that variable is set whenever the start of the target element is reached.

处理被分泌物或排泄物污染的物品或地方时应戴上手套。Wear gloves when handling things or places contaminated with discharges or droppings.

但是当我用火钳拨开一块地方时,这样的牺牲可真是太痛苦了。But when I proceeded to open a place with the poker, the sacrifice was too painful to be borne.

当我们想整理家中的某个地方时,我们会挑个空地,然后把所有的东西堆成一堆。In our house when it's time to clear a space we pick an area and empty it's contents into a heap.

一个魔术师旅行到有序空间的一个地方时,就会唤醒肯定在这里的某本书。A conjurer travels to a place in the space and there awakens the particular book that must rest there.

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这种现象从地方时9时到14时都可出现,有时竟连续出现5个时欢。This phenomenon can be observed from local time 9 to 14. sometimes even appearing 5 times sequentially.

搜索是用户在无法被导航到他们想找的东西的地方时的可靠选择。Search is the fallback option the user will choose when they cannot navigate to what they’re looking for.

视频中的人拿着iPhone时用手触摸到天线的两个不同的地方时信号会变弱。When the guy holds the iPhone in his hands, touching the outside antenna band in two places, he drops reception.

我们正发现一件实事,男人们找不到工作的地方时因为女人们已经得到了本快属于他们的工作。We are getting to the point where men cannot find work because women have the jobs that should rightly be theirs.

参观这些地方时我们最好能和伊拉克安全部队搭伴,问题是——你敢么?Our best hope for visiting these places may be to embed with Iraqi security forces. But are we brave enough for that?

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当我访问这个——沙土底下是浩瀚的煤海地方时我开始明白了这种乐观。The optimism becomes understandable as I tour the site, where an ocean of coal covers the surface of the sandy earth.

当搜索是要导航到某一个具体地方时,是社会性的数据帮助人们做出精明的决定。While search is about navigating to a particular place, it is social data that enables people to make informed choices.

该装置连接到您的手机,它会在天气变化或是需要转移晾衣服的地方时发消息提醒你。The device connects to your phones and sends you alerts when the weather changes or when you need to remove your clothes.

跟探索其它地方时一样,我并没有期望能在这山洞发现什么,然而在这山洞的泥土里,我却发现了一串军用纽扣和一只燧发枪。Buried in the soil, in a place I didn’t expect many had ever visited, I found a series of old military buttons and a flintlock musket.

倾角长期的变化又进一步导致回归轨道的标称半长轴和降交点地方时的相应变化。Long-term inclination variation will induce the relevant changes both of the nominal semi-major axes and local time of descending node.

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这种脉动的形态和地方时有关,白天有明显的衰减振荡,晚上则近似为非振荡的湾状扰动。This kind of pulsation phenomena is associated with local time. There is a damped oscillation in daytime and a bay in H component at night.

并且他们建议当人们看到山狗出现在他们的地方时通过叫喊,使用大声噪音或扔石头驱离。And they advice people who see coyotes around their poverty to trash chase them away by shouting, making loud noises or throwing raps rocks.

理论模型试验表明,该方法优于目前使用的地方时法、小时平均法和北京时法。The theoretical models show that these methods are superior to the currently used local time method, hour average method and Beijing time method.