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非洲人也有疑问。Africans, too, have doubts.

若有任何疑问请咨询牙科医生。If in doubt ask your dentist.

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但我就有些疑问了。Well, we might question that.

有疑问时,就说真话吧。When in doubt, tell the truth.

关于这部分有任何疑问吗?Any questions about any of that?

有疑问请和我们联系。Have questions please contact us.

如果有疑问,请使用自己的装备。When in doubt, use your own gear.

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这是禹希心中一个好大的疑问?It is a great question YuXi heart?

那个人有疑问There was a question, are we okay?

没有疑问就等于没有学问。Without ta doubt is not knowledge.

这是个有疑问的词。It is a sort of a problematic word.

什么是疑问功能?What is the interrogative function?

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如果您有任何疑问请联系我们!Contact us if you got any questions!

如果您有任何疑问请PM。If you have any questions please PM.

谈话中常大笑不止且多伴有疑问Lots of laughter and questioning tones

这是他的疑问,他的主张。That's his question. That's his claim.

这是不少农民的感叹和疑问。This is many farmers plaint and doubt.

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若有疑问,应向指导工询问。Ask your supervisor if you have doubts.

如果有疑问,保留您所了解的那个。When in doubt, stay with what you know.

目前有什么我没去外国疑问代您定购的吗?Is tITe anything I can book for you now?