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一遇灾荒,百姓旋即徙走,逃荒他处。Once a serious famine happen, the people leave immediately, flees from famine.

清朝末年,山东农民冯青山随着逃荒的难民队伍进入京城。At the end of Qing Dynasty, the farmer Feng escaped to Beijing , and fell in love with the actress Kuijun.

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莫名其妙的是,这座城市在公元600年左右由于某种突然且毁灭性的灾难,这里的人民四散逃荒。Inexplicably, the city suffered sudden and violent collapse in about a.d. 600 and much of the population fled.

索马里政府表示,青年党还对逃荒到摩加迪沙的索马里人造成威胁。The government has said the group also posed a threat to internally displaced people who had fled to Mogadishu.

索马里的饥荒使数十万索马里灾民四处逃荒求助。The famine gripping Somalia is causing hundreds of thousands of desperate people to seek help wherever they can.

那人把他带到一个偏僻的山沟里,那里有很多逃荒要饭的人和土匪,这个地方就叫“满洲坟”。The agent took him to a barren glen in the hills, swarming with refugees, beggars and bandits, which was known as the Manchurian Tombs.

我是小时候随着父母逃荒来到商丘的,是祖国给了我接受教育的机会,并把我培养成一名党的干部。I was a child with his parents flee from famine came to Shangqiu is that the country has given me access to education and to train me as a party cadres.

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单位祝词,一位领导说。“祝大家身体愉快……”憋住,没词了。贾德迫于无奈,带着妻子,女儿贾双双及数名家仆逃荒外地,希望谋得生机。Judd under the helpless, is leading the wife, daughter Jia in pairs and the proper name domestic servant flees the outside areas, hoped that seeks the vitality.

当时主要的人口迁移类型有经济建设移民、国防性质移民、逃荒和越境等。The population migration can be classified as migration for economic development, for national defense, for escape from famine, and for illegal border crossing.

多布莱的经济已经很糟了,再向逃荒的索马里灾民提供协助,将使他本来有限的资源枯竭。With economic conditions in Dobley already quite dire, Abdisalam says providing help for the internally displaced Somalis has drained his already limited resources.

当天,一个叫乌娜的逃荒姑娘奄奄一息地倒在了教堂粥摊前,被马神甫救起并收留。That day, a girl of flee from famine that calls Wu Na is about to die before the ground falls in cathedral congee to spread out, be saved to rise by Ma Shenfu and take sb in.

战争期间碰到这样的年景,很多人肯定会死去,很多人会逃荒要饭,很多人会被迫卖儿卖女。During the wartime, years like these would have meant certain death for many people. Many would have become beggars and other would have been compelled to sell their children.

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解放前要是碰到这样的年景,很多人肯定会死掉,许多人会逃荒要饭,许多人会被迫卖儿卖女。Before liberation , years like these would have meant certain death for many people. Many would have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children.

一女子逃荒到湖州地界,见桑盛蚕好,便连夜急行赶回,唤乡人飞舟买叶救蚕。Huzhou, a woman flee from famine to the boundary, see the mulberry silkworm Sheng good, then overnight emergency trip back, call local people to buy leaf Feizhou save silkworm.