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柳河流域是水土流失重点地区。The river area is a soil erosion point region.

树木还可以防止水土流失。Trees can also stop water and soil from going away.

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他又使陆地水土流失,变得千沟万壑。He made land soil erosion, became fragmented landform.

风沙危害和水土流失严重。The hazards of sandstorm and soil erosion are serious.

我国南方低丘山区降雨量大,水土流失也很严重。There is lots of rain and soil erosion in hills of South China.

水土流失其实是一种主要的侵蚀地貌演化过程。Water and soil loss is an important landforms evolution course.

水土流失,其实是一种主要的侵蚀地貌演化过程。Water and soil loss is an important physiognomy evolution course.

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水土流失是一种累进性地质灾害,其实质就是土壤侵蚀作用。Soil and water erosion is a kind of incrementally geological hazard.

毁林导致水土流失,河流淤塞,从而使洁净水的可供量减少。Deforestation leads to soil erosion and rivers being silted, which reduces

因此,沂蒙山区经济林的水土流失综合治理应引起高度重视。So, the soil loss control of economic forest should be paid more attention.

只有在一定的地质、形、候和植被等自然条件下,才能产生水土流失。The natural factor includes geology land form climate vegetation and so on.

降雨因子对水土流失量起着决定性的作用。The rainfall factors have decisive influence on the amount of soil erosion.

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黄土高原以其深厚的黄土和严重的水土流失成为世界上一个特殊区域。Loess plateau becomes a special area as its deep loess and serious soil loss.

安山小流域属低山丘陵中度侵蚀区,水土流失严重。Anshan basin is low mountains middle erode area, the soil eroded very serious.

如果我们不做些什么的话,40年之后,伴随着水土流失,我们的田地都会消失。If we don't do anything, in 40 years, with the erosion, the farms will be gone.

研究结果可为黄土高原水土流失治理提供科学依据。It provides scientific basis for the soil erosion control in the Loess Plateau.

坡耕地是水土流失的主体,加快退耕还林步伐和加速坡耕地治理是当务之急。Plough land located at sloping areas is the major part for soil and water loss.

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提出了水土流失动态监测的原则、标、围与内容。The principles, objectives, ranges and contents of dynamic monitoring are advanced.

高强度暴雨、低的森林覆盖率和严重的水土流失,是产生洪灾的直接和间接原因。Great storm and small forest cover are direct and indirect reasons why flood occurs.

中国北方频发的沙尘暴与生态环境破坏、水土流失严重关系密切。Sandy-storms in North China are related with environment destruction and soil loess.