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第二部分追根溯源探讨生态批评的理论渊源。The second-part studies the origin of the ecocriticism.

不可能通过历史追根溯源查出他是一个什么样的人。It is impossible to trace out by history what kind of man he was.

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如果你追根溯源,就会发现几乎每个家族都有人自杀过。If you dig deep enough into the past every family has its suicide.

笔者首先从历史的角度对秘书处做出了追根溯源。The author firstly reviews the historical evolution of WTO secretariat.

近期是经济低迷时期,若要追根溯源,更是不一而足。The recent economic downturn has come about due to many different factors.

其实,我们有必要把单词ostracize一直追根溯源到动物王国。Ostracize is in fact a word that ultimately traces back to the animal kingdom.

所以“爱情乐队”追根溯源,正构想一张全部关于歌曲的专辑。So Love went back to basics, dreaming up an album that would be all about songs.

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追根溯源,联邦借贷和支出的争吵要回归到乔治·华盛顿。After all, battles over federal borrowing and spending go back to George Washington.

福琛之前的植物学家对于茶叶追根溯源的尝试全都失败了。Before Fortune, botanists had failed in their attempts to decode the formula for tea.

追根溯源,学术评价的功利化现状源于教育制度和文化价值观。The current state was due to traditional education system and cultural values in China.

安家岔金矿床是由砂金追根溯源而找到的矿床。Anjiacha gold deposit is a bedrock gold deposit which was discovered by tracing placer gold.

他将我们现在的经济体制追根溯源到文艺复兴时期,那时,第一家企业诞生。He tracks back our economic system to the Renaissance, when the first corporations were born.

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实际上,如果追根溯源,美国企业中有许多都是从小型家族企业发展起来的。In fact American corporate enterprise traces its roots back to small family-owned businesses.

有些公司会追根溯源,提供脱离自动驾驶的具体地点和细节。Some companies dig into the details, providing the location and specifics of a disengagement.

作为结语,凯斯说,“如果你不明白一个环保宣传究竟源自产品的哪一种功用,一定要追根溯源。Ultimately, says Case, "if you don't understand where a green claim comes from, check it out.

因为孩子们的名字追根溯源是用拉丁语写的,所以我们也用拉丁文计算他们的密码。As the guys' names in original are written in Latin so we calculated their codes in Latin too.

追根溯源,父亲贩毒这事我总觉么着是旧中国的罪恶所致。Tracing the source, the father I always feel What this drug was due to the evils of old China.

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实际上,如果追根溯源,美国企业中有许多都是从小型家族企业发展起来的。In fact, American corporate enterprise traces its roots back to small, family-owned businesses.

追根溯源,中国城市的发展的独特性扎根在深厚的中华文化土壤中。The uniqueness of Chinese urban development can be ultimately attributed to the profound Chinese culture.

本文对吴、晋青瓷堆塑谷仓罐上出现的诸多动物装饰题材追根溯源,并阐释了其文化内涵。This article traces decorative animals on blue-and-white granary pots and interprets their cultural connotations.