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是的,风言风语不会令我泄气,噢,不。Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no.

是的,风言风语不会令你我泄气,噢,不。Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no.

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我听到风言风语说汤姆要走。I've heard rumblings that Tom may leave.

她肯定关于她的风言风语会减少的。She was sure the bustle about her would be less.

我已经读过了关于舍瓦的风言风语。I'd been reading the Shevchenko stories, you see.

我听了这些风言风语后,对她想入非非。After I heard these groundless talk , crackpot to her.

一些人把这看成是一个谜,但是许多人辩驳他的假说以为是是风言风语。Some viewed it as a magnificent puzzle most dismissed his hypothesis as nonsense.

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上述对亲王的种种断言及风言风语都没有得到证实。None of the claims about the Prince were ever proven and no rumours were substantiated.

曼迪就要十一岁了,对于任何与她的生日派对无关的事情都倍感煎熬,也听到了一些风言风语。Mandy, soon to turn eleven and pained by any news unrelated to her birthday party, had heard murmurings.

住在自家岂不更好,非要弄的外头风言风语,你才高兴?Live oneself not better, don't want to make of the outside breeze lecture breeze language, are you just elated?

我只希望上面这些故事,能够为多年来那些关于“我是怎么弄了这么一个奇怪假肢”的风言风语画上一个句号。I can only hope that this entry puts to rest the years of speculation as to how I came about sporting such an odd appendage.

敦南和小敏都很顽固,敦南总想让小敏坐他的车,小敏为了防止风言风语,不断坚持不坐。South and XiaoMin Nathan is very stubborn, total want to let XiaoMin Nathan south in his car, XiaoMin to prevent box, and constantly insist don't sit.

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李瓶儿日夜悲啼,不思饮食,又经不起潘金莲的风言风语,不久也一病不起,命归黄泉。Li P'ing-erh cried day and night and couldn't eat and sleep. She couldn't bear P'an Chin-lien's slanderous gossip, and soon she also fell ill and died.

没有谁不喜欢马,对马的风言风语几乎听不到,各民族关于马的神话总是那样纯洁美丽,充满善意。Nobody would dislike horse, and the gossip about horse is hardly heard, all the national myths mentioned about horse are purely beautiful, and full of goodwill.

突然有一天,我开始听到他说韩国坏话的风言风语,最终一个广告证实了这些传闻的真实性。One day, I began hearing that he was speaking ill of Korea, and finally I came across a CF where those suspicions seemed to be confirmed. As opposed to feeling angry, I pitied him.

打在脸上的拳头总比背后的风言风语强,后者会破坏队内气氛--拜仁慕尼黑队后卫比克森特-利扎拉祖这样解释他在训练时动手打在队友尼科-科瓦克脸上的行为。It's better to box the ears than to talk behind someone's back. That spoils the atmosphere ? FC Bayern M?nchen defender Bixente Lizarazu after he hit teammate Niko Kovac in the face during training.