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我们需要去评价它吗?Do we need to assess it?

──评价你的论断。Evaluate your judgments.

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他对我的画评价很高。He swore by my pictures.

这是我对他私下的评价”。I rated him from the off.

什么是结果导向的监测与评价?What Is Results-Based M&E?

如果是,我们如何评价它?If so, how do we assess it?

但是,这些评价是真的吗?But is this assessment true?

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他这位诗人受到很高的评价。He is highly rated as a poet.

谢谢你对这个计划的评价。Thank you for your ratifying.

你怎么评价这个事件?What do you recon this event?

重新评价方式。And in re-evaluation mode too.

他高度评价了这一成就。He rated the achievement high.

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也许这都是评价。为什么?Maybe it's all appraisal. Why?

第五,危机管理评价。Second, Pro-crisis Management.

评价书不能看封面。Judge not a book by its covers.

依我来评价,他应占首位。He comes first in my estimation.

我看过了。有什么评价,长官。I read it. Your assessment? Sir.

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这出戏得到很好的评价。The play was very well reviewed.

我们必须细细察看并做出评价。We must scrutinize and evaluate.

恐怕就连上帝也没发去评价他。I didn't even god will judge him.