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是何方神圣能把一颗恒星拆散了?What could rip a star apart?

离婚拆散了许多家庭。Divorce breaks up a lot of families.

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我儿子把我的手表拆散后组装不起来了。My son stripped my watch and couldn't assemble it.

人家要拆散他们父子是为了政治上的见解不同。He was separated from him because of political opinions.

那艘旧船被拖走以便拆散当废铁卖了。The old ship was towed away to be broken up and sold as scrap.

菲比想拆散他们,向罗斯和乔伊求助。Phoebe tries to break it up and enlists help from Ross and Joey.

他只好拆散一套,把我们想要的那三个蓝色的卖给我们。He had to break the set to sell us the three blue ones we wanted.

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奥里维与肤浅的雅葛丽纳的婚姻把这两个朋友拆散了。Olivier's marriage to the shallow Jacqueline separated the two friends.

你怎么能因为要修课桌而把一张质量很好的椅子拆散了呢?How could you take apart a good quality chair in order to fix the dwsks?

他们就说我拼得慢,我就一时冲动,把他家的玩具拆散了!They said I spell slowly, I for a while impulse, broke up his family's toy!

在被不知何人拆散后,它的碎片散落到诺拉斯的各个角落。Disassembled by some unknown entity, its pieces were scattered around Norrath.

在天的战术,拆散营销活动和项目编号。The days of tactical, disjointed marketing campaigns and programs are numbered.

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后一种情况一旦发生,政府就会拆散管理层,把股东扫地出门。In the latter situation, management would be removed and shareholders wiped out.

希望你家人不对他生气,希望他的疾病没把我们拆散。I hope your family is not angry with him. I hope his disease has not torn us apart.

他说他的女儿担心他们可能拆散了一对终生伴侣。He said his daughter was worried that they might have separated a monogamous couple.

王度却说建海和佳珍是真心相爱的,叫宝珠不要拆散他们。Wang Du asks her not to separate them as they are genuinely in love with each other.

你最好拆散一小块碎布头来织补你的裤子。You had better ravel a bit of the left-over cloth to mend the tear in your trousers.

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我们的法律应当尊重循规蹈矩的家庭,而非拆散他们。Our laws should respect families following the rules -– instead of splitting them apart.

七夕这天,到大街上搞恶作剧,拆散一对是一对。The Qixi Festival day, on the street to make a practical joke, break up a pair is a pair.

然而王母冷酷无情,最后硬是拆散了这对恩爱夫妻。But the Queen Mother of ruthless, and finally he just break up this pair of happy couples.