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宝石学能给货物拼增补镶嵌槽么?Can Jewelcrafters add sockets to items?

象形文字开始作为符号的增补。Word-signs began to supplement signals.

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这个规划你有啥子增补吗?Do you have anythellong to add to the plan?

你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。You can also use a tickler file to supplement this.

用于食物增补剂,健康食品和化妆品等。It can be used in food additives and cosmetics field.

首先是增补概念。The first has to do with the notion of supplementarity.

我发现了一对增补的使馆安全人员。I have detected a co-opt of the consulate security system.

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该发现可用于制造健康啤酒及食品增补剂。The discovery could lead to healthier beers and food supplements.

可插手汤中增补蛋白质,但需先用水清洗,否则其味带苦。Addto soup for a protein boost. Rinse first, or it will taste bitter.

她增补说合伴侣会话底子没用。She added that having conversations with friends wasn't helpful at all.

求你们给我葡萄乾增补我力、给我苹果畅快我心.因我思爱成病。Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples, Because I am lovesick.

“订补附记”中最后一项是“补词”,新增补词作96首。The last part of the correction postscript is 96 Ci implemented to the book.

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求你们给我葡萄乾增补我力,给我苹果畅快我心,因我思爱成病。Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love.

金与徐的存在,是徽因先生的幸运,是她生命完满的增补。Gold and Xu existence, is the emblem of Mr lucky, is her life perfect supplement.

修改、增补了常见单一花种蜂蜜的感官特性。Organoleptic properties for common unifloral honey are modified and supplemented.

增补剂系永久性的防护剂,它降低整理剂的总价格。Extenders are durable water repellents which lower the overall cost of the finish.

选举了执行委员会的新委员,包括两名增补委员。New members of the Executive Board were elected, including two additional members.

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目前,以下国家使用一些个别增补GOST标准。Presently the following countries use GOST Standard with some individual additions.

有一半儿的人吃一些食物增补剂,并且这个数字还在增加中。Half the population uses some sort of dietary supplement, and that figure is on the rise.

现时,李工程师为理事会的增补委员及工程汇有限公司的董事。Currently, he is a Co-opted Member of the Council and a Director of the Engineering Forum.