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刚愎自用总是会刺伤耶稣基督。Obstinacy and self-will will always stab Jesus Christ.

也许波斯纳刚愎自用,但他还有些尖锐和魄力。Posner may be wrong-headed, but he has bite and verve.

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这种人他们自以为是,刚愎自用。Men of complacence are obstinate and consider they always right.

我认为自满,就是我所指的心之凶德。他们自以为是,刚愎自用。Men of complacence are obstinate and consider themselves always right.

斯通说道,“关于这个问题,我们并非如人们所想的那样刚愎自用。”"We are not feeling as dogged as people think about this issue, " said Mr Stone.

关公的刚愎自用、自以为是的行经,老百姓可能认为那是一种英雄气概。Kuan Kung's headstrong, self-righteous passing, people may think that it is a kind of heroic.

他大多数时候是个非常倔强和刚愎自用的人,但我想他骨子里是很脆弱的。He's a very headstrong and mulish person most of the time, but underneath I think he's quite vulnerable.

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酒色之徒查理的那个刚愎自用的王位继承者詹姆士二世废止了所有的殖民地宪章。James II, the bigoted successor of Charles the Voluptuous, had annulled the charters of all the colonies.

各方谴责受中国保护的朝鲜刚愎自用,而人权纪录不佳的中国有望试图缓和谴责声势。China, with its own poor human rights record, can be expected to try to tone down criticism of its wayward protege.

刚愎自用的政府刺激方案要求有一个大的资产负债表,巨额利润以及没有风险。The perversity of the government’s incentives demanded a big balance sheet, huge profits, and an indifference to risk.

齐格勒•希尔说,“如果她们表现得非常自尊,选民会认为她们太具侵略性或刚愎自用而不看好她们。If they are portrayed as having high self- esteem , they may be disliked because they are considered aggressive or domineering.

战略顾问是一群刚愎自用、刚加入公司的MBA毕业生,收取很高的费用,然后将企业高级主管早就知道的东西告诉他们。Strategy consultants are a bunch of beefed-up MBAs with big egos who charge a lot to tell executives what they should already know.

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丹东个性暴躁,刚愎自用,活一个飞扬跋扈的政客。但他记忆力惊人,口才极有蛊惑力。Danton was a headstrong firebrand, a swashbuckling political showman with a prodigious memory, whose spectacular oratory held audiences in thrall.

体弱多病且内向的阿拉斯加男孩与一头棕熊成了好朋友,这引起了他强硬且刚愎自用的父亲的恐慌。The coming-of-age story of a sickly, introspective Alaskan boy who makes friends with an Alaskan brown bear, to the horror of his tough, domineering father.

然而,乾隆刚愎自用,好大喜功,铺张奢华的个性使大清盛世悄悄滑向衰落。However, qianlong self-willed, crave for greatness and success, grandiose and costly individual character makes old clear flourishing age slips stealthily to be on the wane.

先王中有阿金科的亨利,诡诈而威严的伊丽莎白一世,以及不仅笑容可掬、而且至少还献出了自己头颅的、刚愎自用的查理一世。A fanfare indeed for the descendant of henry of agincourt of the scheming and commanding first elizabeth of the stubborn charles who at least offered his head and not merely his smile.

由于政客们有时易于表现出过于刚愎自用或专横跋扈,因此,滑稽场面就成了最有效的传播媒介,它可以把问题、关注点直接曝光给普通公众。With politicians tending to become too egotistical or overbearing at times, comedy has been the most effective vehicle that indirectly exposes issues and concerns to the general public.