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约拉是一个预备队员。Yola was a reserve player.

于是,我参加了军事预备队。So I enlisted in the Reserves.

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这三人都参加了周中的预备队比赛。All three came through a Reserve team run-out in midweek.

他还帮助预备队赢得2007-08赛季的联赛冠军。He also helped the second string to league glory in 2007-08.

在战斗队形中通常留有强大的预备队。In the shape of combat brigades leave usually strong's reserves.

我知道我还得继续为预备队努力,因为这才是我现在的任务。I know I have to work hard in the reserves because this is my team.

陆军31步兵团的B连被留作为预备队。The soldiers of Baker Company , 31st Infantry, would be in reserve.

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也许我们将让赫尔南德斯打一场预备队比赛。"Maybe we'll get Chicha a game in the Reserves, " the manager revealed.

曾经的青年队和预备队前锋山姆-帕金离开斯文顿转会伊普斯维奇。Former youth and reserve team striker Sam Parkin leaves Swindon for Ipswich.

喝水在预备队整个赛季都干得不错,他被召入国家队也是实至名归。Danny Welbeck, who had also been included in the England U19s squad, did not play.

当温格签下维埃拉时,他还是ac米兰的预备队里的一个年轻人。Vieira was a youngster in AC Milan's reserves when Wenger brought him to Highbury.

考虑到这点,也就不难理解为什么威尔贝克要去预备队踢球了。With that in mind, it made perfect sense to give Welbeck a run-out in the Reserves.

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凯利紧接着进入阿布莱特的预备队,并在2007至08赛季帮助球队夺得了联赛冠军。Kelly broke into Gary Ablett's reserves during 2007-08, helping them win the league.

自2007年从匈牙利的MTK加盟以来,两名球员在预备队出类拔萃。Both players have excelled for the reserves since arriving from MTK Hungaria in 2007.

他从预备队提拔年轻的马丁凯利作为主力右后卫,明智。He promoted young Martin Kelly from the reserves to right full-back. Shrewder, still.

这位年轻的射手也曾经作为替补,为阿森纳预备队出赛一场。The young forward has also made one substitute appearance for the Reserves this term.

科涅夫的装甲部队被打残了,即使在他的预备队里也找不出一个完整的坦克营了。Even with his support and reserve armor, he could barely muster a full tank battalion.

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他在预备队进行了一个半小时高对抗的训练。He trained for one-and-a-half hours with the reserves in a very competitive situation.

上周小土豆和帕切科在预备队表现都非常好。Last week we had Jay Spearing and Daniel Pacheco who did really well for the reserves.

周二晚上,温格在巴内特看了那场4-3赢得布莱克本预备队的比赛。Wenger watched that 4-3 win over Blackburn's second-string at Barnet on Tuesday night.