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我对人家附庸风雅的地位没有兴趣。I wasn't interested in a snob degree.

我知道可能在别人眼里我是个附庸风雅的的人。And I know I may be an artsy person in sb′s eyes.

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其它的电影都是附庸风雅的并且大部分都很长。The other films were arty-arty and mostly too long.

其它的电影都是附庸风雅的并且大部分都很长。The other films were arty-farty and mostly too long.

他们开了一家小陶器店兼咖啡馆,很喜欢附庸风雅。They run a little pottery shop and cafe and are very arty -crafty.

她那套附庸风雅的穿戴似乎跟她的举止格格不入。The whole arty get-up seemed oddly at variance with the way she behaved.

最终他们变得更轻柔而且附庸风雅——更适合用作舞曲了。And they eventually became less heavy and more arty — more danceable even.

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我纳闷为什么我们一直必定来看这种附庸风雅的片子。I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy -f artsy movies.

布莱顿摄影双年展把他的作品介绍给附庸风雅的全新观众,也反过来刺激了格雷斯。While BPB introduced his work to an entirely new, arty audience, it also gave rise to a recurring irritation for Gleis.

他们只是附庸风雅地死抱着那本书,像崇拜明星似的将之视为圣品。They just hold firmly the book in pretentious cultural style and regard it as sacred thing as if it were famous movie star.

例如,母亲也许和她那个敏感、喜欢附庸风雅的儿子特别亲近,而父亲则会十分关注自己爱好运动的女儿。For example, mum will have a special bond with her sensitive, arty son, while dad lavishes attention on his sporty daughter.

但是,中国是附庸风雅的的骗子,故意泄漏这个新闻是为了表明中国也正面临着自由风潮。But Chinese are artistic and arty liars . The news leak is deliberate to show that China also is facing the onslught of liberal winds.

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韩国城原本由喝酒带动的夜生活,因为卖咖啡带来一点附庸风雅的气息,已经成为这个地区实际上的乡村俱乐部。The businesses have become the area's de facto country clubs by bringing a whiff of gentility to Koreatown's alcohol-fueled night scene.

在今天的大学里,传统的读书人根本就不被视为是受过教育的知识分子,他们被鄙视为附庸风雅的人。But in today's university the traditional "educated people" are not considered "educated" at all. They are looked down upon as dilettantes.

有两个大款附庸风雅,参加一个冷餐会,与会者自然不乏真正的名流学者。Two big shots attended a buffet reception, trying to pose as lovers of culture, for the participants included some real scholars of distinction.

有两个大款附庸风雅,参加一个冷餐会,与会者自然不乏真正的名流学者。Two big shots attended a buffet reception, pretending to be well-educated scholars, for the participants included some real scholars of distinction.

黄鹤楼不仅要忍受将军与士兵杂乱无章的脚步,更要承受旅者与游客层层叠叠的踏访,而且,还要接纳诸多附庸风雅的所谓墨宝。Yellow Crane Tower should not only bear the generals and soldiers be footsteps, to bear the travelers and tourists layers of food, but also take many arty, so-called calligraphy.