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你的美貌,你的清雅。By your beauty and grace.

哪一条恶龙曾经栖息在这清雅的洞府里?Did ever dragon keep so far a cave?

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哪一条恶龙曾经住在这样清雅的洞府?Did ever dragon deep so fair a cave?

清雅的橱窗,纤细唯美。The elegant window, fine and aesthetic.

清雅留芳,归于永恒的春天。Your light scent belongs to a eternal spring.

我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!I saw a window of elegant and meticulous icicle flowers!

山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。The dogwood bud , pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

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清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life.

古老的东方民居和朦胧而清淡的色彩,构成了一幅清雅的水彩作品。The ancient Eastern residence, the misty and subtle color, is an elegant art piece.

在我的心中,你是一篇飘逸恬静的散文,是一幅清雅素淡的图画。In my heart , you are a delicate and elegant essay and a beautiful and refined picture.

加气起泡奶酒色泽浅黄带绿,奶香、酒香、清雅舒愉,酸甜爽口,泡沫较细,有杀口感。Air entraining milk wine is yellow and green in color with fine foaming and pleasant taste.

查士标、郑日文等新安派画家的作品,格调清雅,境界冷逸。Charles Shi standard, Xin Cheng and Japanese works of painter, elegant style, state of cold Yat.

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清雅的色彩与结构,在纷繁的世界里,焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生命力。The clean and elegant color and structure coruscate the unique expressive force and permanent life.

花丛的回眸,惊艳了谁?那清雅如水,月下的相遇,携手了谁?那一生的相许。The flowers look back, amazing? The elegant like water, in the meeting, to whom? The life of the phase.

澳仕威纯无醇汽酒蕴涵成熟苹果的清雅芬芳,热带水果的淡淡香味,以及青柠的暗香。The wine displays a subtle yet fragrant aroma of ripe apples, subdued tropical fruits and citrus notes.

研制的无核白葡萄酒颜色呈淡金黄色,新鲜感较好,具有清淡的果香味,风味清雅,风格典型。The developed wine was golden yellow in color and had fresh and agreeable taste and typical wine styles.

好梦清雅柔和的波浪曲线表面流露出明快亮丽与青春活力。The wave curve surface with good dream downy elegant is revealed lively bright beautiful with green vigor.

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我见过的花也很多,有高贵清雅的菊花,有婀娜多姿的水仙等。I have seen there are many flowers, there are noble elegant chrysanthemums, there are Graceful of Shuixian.

啜饮一口香茶,在清雅旋律的伴随下,品尝我们的各式小吃,并体验充满异国情调的鸡尾酒。Take a sip of tea, enjoy our various finger foods and savour our exotic cocktails with the melodious music.

这样一个清雅优美的人如何能够和彪悍这样一个词挂上勾呢?我们从她的人生开始看起。Such an elegant and beautiful and how can such a word valianthook hang it? We see her life from the beginning.