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眼前的这个人就是他吗?And was this the man?

他不敢相信眼前所见。He couldn’t believe it.

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他们盯着眼前的路。They stared at the road.

眼前的一切把我们震住了。What we saw silenced us.

麦克白去!离开我的眼前!Avaunt , and quit my sight!

只是因为食物就在你眼前It's because food is there.

一片云从我的眼前飘过去。A cloud swam across my vision.

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我踩着准确的步点到达眼前。I came here in an accurate pace.

汉堡黎明在眼前。Dawn of hamburg is before the eye.

蓦地,羽毛在眼前消失了。Suddenly, the feather disappeared.

对于眼前这棵树,我也有同感。I felt the same way about the tree.

眼前没有一棵紫丁香。There wasn't a lilac bush in sight.

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他眼前云遮雾罩。And now, his sight was clouding over.

他痴痴地靠着树干,望着眼前的一片新绿出神。He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.

鬼子的万岁冲锋就要到眼前了!The Jap banzai charge is right there!

一具骷髅挂在我眼前。A skeleton was dangling before my eyes.

文质彬彬的你出现在我的眼前!Elegant you appear in front of my eyes!

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他眼前一时发黑,但是神志还是清醒的。He blacked out, but his mind was clear.

我眼前看见的是一把短刀吗?Is this a dagger which I see before me.

真命天子可能就在眼前。Mr. Great may be right in front of you.