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这计划要求失密。This plgood requires secrecy.

我们的方案必需失密。Our plan must remain a secret.

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自始至终确保完全的公正与失密。Ensure absolutely impartiality and Confidentiality throughout.

这是对该公司的要求严酷失密的回函。This is a strictly confidential response to a request made by the firm.

隐私也被一个问题,它已经失密几次。Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times.

同时,因人才流动造成的商业秘密失密也成为了商业秘密泄密的主要渠道。At the same time, the employee mobility also became the main channel for the giving away of the business secrets.

丹丝兰请求多模妈妈和吴华兰都向亚多模失密本人见过了多模他*的事情。DanSi orchid request WuHuaLan multi-mode mother and to the multimode given away official secrets I have seen multimode mum.

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国家所担心的信息失密的内容,也从军事计划变成了各种企业技术知识的非法流通。Illicit transfer of corporate know-how, rather than military plans, became the treasonous information the state had to worry about.

凡未按要求标明的,一旦失密,由承办部门领导负责。If it is not stated according as required, the supervisors of the responsible department should responsible for the disclosure, if there is any.

拉拉向顺德提起了她的一个朋友进了芙蓉阁的事情,并且要顺德帮助失密不要通知奶奶。Labradors shunde filed a her to a friend into the lotus cabinet of all things, and to help given away official secrets don't notice shunde, grandma.

这种方式,不仅出题不科学,工作效率低,随意性很大,而且考试成本高,质量参差不齐,甚至会由于种种原因导致泄密、失密。The apply of artificial test mode demonstrates not only working efficiency low but also the quality is irregular, even can cause to divulge a secrets easily.

以及一些焦炙的亲属恳求你透漏某病患的信息,而这是你不成向别人诉及的失密材料。And then there is the anxious relative who pleads with you for information about a patient to whom you have not been able to speak about sharing confidential material.

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自己在军队历任连队文书和团机关失密员等职位,分歧地工作情况,逐渐晋升啦自己地综合才能。My siblings in the army and group company documents, different positions such as BaoMiYuan organs of working environment, and gradually increased my comprehensive abilities.

在安全信息系统应用中,传统的基于角色的访问控制模型不能为用户过滤业务数据,容易导致数据失密。In the application of secure information systems, the traditional role-based access control model can not filter business data for users, which easily results in secret data leakage.