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我会用三种方法来磨炼我的灵魂。I will exercise my soul in three ways.

竞争磨炼才能。Competition is the whetstone of talent.

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有时候,我们还得经受生活的磨炼。Sometimes we have to outlive our history.

攀岩并不仅仅是体力上的磨炼与考验。Its not just the physical endeavor either.

艰苦的环境能磨炼人的意志。Difficult circumstances can temper one's will.

磨炼意志最好的帮手是困难。The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

家庭作业是为了磨炼你的勇气,锻炼你的灵敏度。Homework is to build your nerve. You need some cunning.

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现在有很多胖人喜好到健身房去磨炼。Nowadays many weight-watchers would like to go to the gym.

成功来自耐心、毅力和磨炼。Successs arises from patience, perseverance, and endurance.

种子不落在肥土而落在瓦砾中,有生命力的种子决不会悲观和叹气,因为有了阻力才有磨炼。The seed does not choose to fall on fertile land but among debris.

但是,显而易见,如果你自身具备艺术素养,便能够磨炼得炉火纯青。But obviously, if you have it in you, it can be honed to perfection.

我将会做至少两件我不愿做的事情——只为了磨炼。I will do at least two things I don't want to do---just for exercise.

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人生实苦,发那就用所有的人生之苦来磨炼你的灵魂吧!Life is bitter indeed, then temper your soul with all its bitterness!

也许是为了磨炼他,他父亲把他送到一所很远的海军学校。Perhaps to discipline him,his father sent him to a faraway Admiral Academy.

没有男人不受女人爱的磨炼而能过平正的生活。No man ever lived a right life who had not been chastened by a woman's love.

然而现在,经过多年的磨炼,他的演讲可以为他赚一大笔钱。Yet now, after years of practice, he is paid megabucks for his presentations.

青春是一个普通的名称,它是幸福美好的,但它也充满着艰苦的磨炼。——高尔基。Youth is a common name, it is happiness, but it is also full of hard training.

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千锤百炼才能够磨炼出好钢,饱经风霜才能更强。That good steel must be thoroughly tempered what strength can be more weather-beaten.

为了提高自己,磨炼飞行技术,汉加入了帝国军校。Solo eventually joined the Imperial Academy, to better himself and his piloting skills.

同样是厨师疱丁解牛“游刃有余”,这就是意志和日复一日的磨炼!Ding is the same chef blister of cattle "to cope with" This is the will and daily temper!