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双子座,是你的生辰。Go Gemini its your birthday.

我的生辰是十一月八日。My birthday is November the eight.

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顾盼着身影,诅咒自己的生辰。And look upon my self and curse my fate.

热烈祝福你的生辰!My birthday wihers to you are the hotest.

我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。I was born in November, so my birthstone is Topaz.

我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。Mine is Topaz which is the birthstone of November.

我明天晚上一定会去你的生辰宴席。I'm bound to come your birthday party tomorrow night.

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东陵玉也是公历五月份的生辰幸运石。Yu is also a calendar in May Tanglin's birthday lucky stone.

生辰图是寻找自我的地图也是完成使命的开始。A chart is as map to search self and a beginning to fulfill a mission.

在古代的时候,人们把孔子的生辰教师节。In the ancient times, Kongzi's birthday was regarded as a Teachers'Day.

在古代的时候,人们把孔子的生辰作为教师节。In the ancient times, Kongzi’s birthday was regarded as a Teachers'Day.

生辰欢愉!愿这特殊的日期里,你的时时刻刻都布满欢喜。Happy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on thellos special day.

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每个人一生中都会有一块属于自己的宝石,这块宝石也就是生辰石。In one's life, everyone is assigned a precious stone which called birthstone.

我把生辰八字写在一张纸上,交给了算命先生。I wrote my birth time on a piece of paper and handed it to the fortune-teller.

生辰图改变了人们的生活方式,从外部寻找晋升到了内心搜寻。A birth chart changes a person·s life from outward finding to inward searching.

关于孔子的生辰,史书的记载存在着分歧。There are different opinions on Confucious exact birthday in the historical records.

而且作为十一月的生辰石,托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。As the birthstone of November Topaz brings wisdom, beauty and longevity to its wearer.

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但是,为什么要把圣约翰的节日定为他的生辰,而其他圣人的节日都是忌辰?John on the day of his nativity, whereas with other saints it is the day of their death?

要是不喜欢生辰挂历功效,你可以将他封闭或删去全般生辰挂历。If you don't like the birthday calendar, you can turn it off or delete the whole thellong.

而且作为十一月的生辰石,托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。As the November birthstone, Topaz will bring its wearer wisdom, beauty, health and long life.