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溺爱我直到永久。To dote upon me ever.

如果我溺爱,我将极其过去的饥饿。I will think of past hungers.

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“我不愿意溺爱这个孩子”。I would not coddle the child"."

祖母溺爱她的双胞胎。Grandmother dotes on her the twins.

约翰对他的独生儿子过分溺爱。John lavishes care on his only son.

这样溺爱着自己实在是罪愆。Self, so self-loving were iniquity.

她溺爱她最小的女儿。She dotes on her youngest daughter.

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是否要过度溺爱小孩!Does it pay to overindulge children.

是否应该溺爱孩子?Does it pay to overindulge children?

她的姐姐们总是溺爱她。Her older sisters always babied her.

老盖茨的母亲对孩子比较溺爱,为人非常随和。His mother was doting and easygoing.

你不应该溺爱你的孩子。You shouldn't mollycoddle your kids.

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他认为不应溺爱儿童。Parents who dote on their only child.

但是千万别犯了过渡补偿的错误,此时,你的角色是疼爱,而非溺爱。Your role here is to love, not spoil.

我认为她在溺爱孩子。I believe she’s coddling her children.

公开的责斥,胜于暗中的溺爱。Open rebuke is better than hidden love.

一个被溺爱的孩子经常是任性的。A child who is cosseted is always unruly.

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无论如何,亲属不会受到溺爱。Kinfolk don't receive much coddling, however.

公主斑斓可儿,深得国王地溺爱。Beautiful Princess Keren, won the King's favor.

世界,你应该温柔地教导他,切不可溺爱他。Teach him gently , World, but don't coddle him.