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她依次数说她的罪恶。She recounted her sins.

我将依次指导您进行每一个步骤。I'll walk you through each step in turn.

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我将依次讨论每一个模型的细节。I'll discuss the details of each in turn.

好的,依次地。dontdothis Okay. Literally, don't do this.

一束光从摆放的静物身上依次扫过。A beam of light sweep over each still life.

是一罐依次倒出的银色鱼身。A tin of silvery bodies falling into place.

按依次M键后,转换小时或分钟。Hour or minute after pressing "M" key once.

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我们来轮流依次讨论这些问题Good we'll talk about each of these in turn.

这样我们依次实现了三个方法。Here we implement the three methods in turn.

从左边开始依次是平均共价。So this is perfect sharing, unequal sharing.

我们将按照顺序依次分析这些方法。We will examine each of these methods in turn.

从最左侧的树开始,按照顺序依次执行。Start from leftmost tree, and work your way up.

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男孩子们依次被召入见考官。The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner.

好消息是我这里有几个规避被踩扁结局的办法,当HIPPO威胁到你的项目时,依次做下面5件事。Here are 5 steps when a HIPPO threatens your project

含量较高的氨基酸依次是谷氨酸、精氨酸、门冬氨酸和亮氨酸。The contents of Glu, Arg, Asp and Leu were heighter.

校长正在按名单依次唱名。The headmaster is calling off the names on his list.

将腹、胸、下巴依次贴于床面。Will abdomen, chest, chin ordinal posted on bed surface.

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诺维科夫先生没有固定办公室,他依次视察旗下各家餐厅。He has no office, and visits his restaurants in rotation.

依次是旱、蝗、瘟疫等灾荒。In order, there is drought, plague of locusts, pestilence.

它们依次映射到顶部、左部、底部和右部。They map to the top, left, bottom, and right, in that order.