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我觉得饭菜点得太多了,我是眼馋肚饱呀。I guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach.

不过惠普、IBM以及戴尔也在对同一份数据中心的奖金眼馋着。But HP, IBM, and Dell have their eyes on the same data center prize.

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你会爱上它和公平天气骑自行车的哥们眼馋。You'll love it and your fair-weather cycling buddies will be envious.

虽然没那么酷了,但是非常健康,收入让人眼馋。Not so cool, perhaps, but certainly very solid and with enviable revenue.

村民眼馋的林带也属于特许伐木区。The stretch the villagers have their eye on is also part of a concession.

小时候看人家穿新衣服就眼馋得慌。I always envied other children for their new clothes when I was a little child.

他常让上司恼火却总让他占着许多人眼馋的那个位子。He often made the boss angry but let him take a lot of people envious of the seat.

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接着,我们意识到,我们不仅“眼馋”,鼻子也“馋”。Then we realized that it wasn’t just our eyes making us drool, it was our noses too.

大卫罗斯柴尔德是Tatler“英国最让人眼馋单身汉排名榜上”的常客。David de Rothschild regularly appears in Tatler's list of Britain's most eligible bachelors.

屋子里还排着长长的队,眼馋的顾客们注视着炸春卷等其他菜品。A line snaked through the room, with hungry customers eyeing other treats such as fried spring rolls.

伦敦人对北京地铁新线只有眼馋的份了,它是北京地铁网络高速扩展的一部分。Londoners can only gawp is envy at Beijing's latest subway route, part of a staggeringly fast expansion in the capital's network.

佣人眼馋阿尔蒂继承的大笔遗产,他找来了自己的外甥桑杰,让他勾引单纯善良的阿尔蒂。A good deal of bequest that the base of a fruit of Er of A of servant be envious accedes, he looked for his nephew Sang Jie, let the Aerdi with his pure and kind-hearted accost.