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南下列车驶离昔日的旧溪口站南端。The south side of old Hsi-Kou Station. 1968.

纳迦在南端的裂鞭废墟生活。Naga live near the south end, in the Riplash Ruins.

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坐落于沈阳最繁华的太原街商业区南端。No. 138 Minzu South Street, Heping District, Shenyang.

丰沃的土地孕育出大陆南端最旺盛的民族——恫族。The abundant land breeds the most energetic tribe, Doon.

这些岛屿位于千岛群岛的南端。The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain.

蔚蓝海岸位于法国东南端,与意大利接壤。Northern coast in France, Italy and south-eastern end borders.

南端高大的合欢林则是天圆舞台的绿色背景。Southern tall tree forest is the green background round stage.

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马斯特里希特荷兰东南端一城市,靠近比利时边界。A city of extreme southeast Netherlands near the Belgian border.

伊尔库次克俄国中南部城市,靠近贝加尔湖的南端。A city of south-central Russia near the southern end of Lake Baikal.

斯里亚油田座落于斯里贝加湾市南端九十二公里处。Seria Oil field is situated about 92km South of Bandar Seri Begawan.

这个堤坝的南端被宇航员用照片拍下来。The southern end of the dyke is captured in this astronaut photograph.

仅一九八二年发掘的西面南端36.5米,就见殉马106匹。Only in 1982 to explore the West South 36.5 meters, see Xunma 106 horse.

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西南亚一国家,位于阿拉伯半岛南端。A country of southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula.

境内贝劳机场设在巴伯尔图阿普岛南端。Palau Airport is located in the territory of the southern tip of Babeldaob.

断裂带的南端包含了埃尔帕索附近的富兰克林山系。The southern end of this rift includes the Franklin Mountains near El Paso.

预计公元3700年二台断层将再次破裂发震,地点在活断层的南端。We have estimated that the Ertai Fault will rupture again in the 3700 A. D.

印第安纳州最西南端的一个城市,它位于俄亥俄河畔和肯塔基州边界处。A city of extreme southwest Indiana on the Ohio River and the Kentucky border.

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大连是辽东半岛南端的一个美丽的海滨城市。Dalian is a beautiful seaside city on the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsular.

猎杀的场地是埃克斯穆尔南端的蒂弗顿旁的山谷里。The killing ground was a valley near Tiverton, on the southern edge of Exmoor.

位于澳门半岛南端,毗邻海事博物馆。Southern tip of the Macau Peninsula. Barra Point, opposite to the Maritime Museum.