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这也就扼杀了互联网。And that kills the Internet.

那出戏被贬斥的评论扼杀了。The play was killed by bad reviews.

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这句话,它会扼杀你很多梦想。The yeah-but will kill your dreams.

琐碎杂事扼杀了他的才能。His talent smothered in his trifles.

沉迷于看电视扼杀创造力。Indulgence in watching TV kill creativity.

雅各提醒我们,贪财能扼杀慷慨乐善的心。James reminds us that greed kills generosity.

去丢时光的脸,并把分秒扼杀。May time disgrace, and wretched minutes kill.

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或者,如果我们看不到这潜能,它就会像刚萌芽的幼苗一样被扼杀,it,will,depreciate—Or if we don't appreciate it, wither and die.

在以前,法国强加的巨债扼杀了海地的发展。France imposed a huge debt that strangled Haiti.

我个人认为困顿犹如生产力的扼杀器。I personally see a rut as a productivity vacuum.

工作应该使人格升华,它不应扼杀人格魅力。Work should ennoble, not kill, the human spirit.

他们扼杀了孩子的精神和热忱。They limit the spirit and enthusiasm of children.

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但如今,“渐进性”改革要么就是“本质性”改革,要么就会扼杀后者。But today, process is substance – or is killing it.

人们如此讨厌垃圾邮件,差点就扼杀了电子邮箱。People despised it so much it nearly killed e-mail.

中国孩子的创造力可能就是这样被扼杀的。Children's creativity may be stiffed in this manner.

性传染病不仅会扼杀你的性生活,也会危及你的生命。STD can not only kill your sex life, it can kill you.

革命被反动势力扼杀了。The revolution was defeated by the forces of reaction.

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在许多言谈中,你们的思想几乎一半被扼杀。And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.

我的崇高爱情今天晚上被扼杀了。My best affections have experienced this night a stifler.

计划一旦制定,就几乎不可能扼杀它们。Once programs exist, it’s nearly impossible to kill them.