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我们开山凿洞,修建隧道。We excavated the mountain for a tunnel.

红山湖和开山岛的学生得乘船去上演。Students in Hongshanhu and Kaisandao have to get to school by boat.

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这两个出现在土井田的开山鼻祖,如果我们回去4和第5代。Both appears in Doida's pedigree, if we get back 4 and 5 generations.

英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是女性主义文学理论的开山鼻祖。Virginia Woolf, an English woman writer, is the forerunner of feminism.

LZ真不愧为无厘界新一代的开山怪!LZ really worthy of a new generation of non-PCT sector, the mountain strange!

这座寺庙是由福建鼓山寺方丈妙莲禅师于1886,开山所兴建的。This temple was built in 1886 by an abbot from the Fujian Gu San temple in China.

在这个市场中,消费者占尽便宜,而身为“开山鼻祖”的高朋网确无长久的先动优势。This is a boon to consumers, but confers no lasting "first-mover" advantage on Groupon.

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哇,内家功夫真是神了,我喜欢。谁是它的开山鼻祖?Boy, it's marvelous. I prefer Neijia to Waijia. Well, who's the forefather of Neijia then?

但学园派对后世影响最大的,仍是伯拉图这位开山鼻祖。But the academy's largest party influence future generations, is still the Dashiell Plato.

20世纪中国合唱创作的开山祖,当推萧友梅、赵元任两位。The founders of Chinese choral music in the 20th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren.

马礼逊是基督教新教来华传教的开山鼻祖。Robert Morrison was the first missionary of Protestant Church to do missionary work in China.

道宣是南山律宗开山之祖,著有多部佛学著作。Daoxuan was the forefather of the Vinaya school of the southern mountain who wrote many Buddhism works.

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他为人侠义宽厚,为政勤谨有谋,是太原孙氏的开山鼻祖。He had a chivalrous generosity, diligent and prudent for the government, was Taiyuan sunshi's pedigree.

遥远的国际市场对资源的喜好无常,但卢本巴希这座城市却存活了下来,并在开山采矿的一声声不间断爆炸中兴旺发展。Lubumbashi has long lived by the whims of distant global markets, its booms unfailingly followed by busts.

国内新派金属开山之祖夜叉乐队成军十五年首次全国巡演将于2010铿锵上演。YAKSA band, the pioneer of new metal style music in China, will be on their first national road show in 2010.

国内新派金属开山之祖夜叉乐队成军十五年首次全国巡演将于2010铿锵上演。YAKASA band, the pioneer of new metal style music in China, will be on their first national road show in 2010.

从这个意义上来说,关良是戏曲人物画的开山祖实不为过。In this significance, it's not an overestmation to regard Guan as the founder of Chinese opera figure painting.

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美学最初是由德国的哲学家鲍姆加登介绍而来的,他是美学的开山鼻祖。Alexander Baumgarten, a German philosopher, was the first one found aesthetics, he was the father of Aesthetics.

陶渊明是我国历史上的著名隐士,同时也是田园诗歌的开山鼻祖。Tao Yuanming is one of the famous hermits in the history, and he was also the creator of Chinese pastoral poetry.

在一些有河流、湖泊的地方,象红山湖、开山岛,学生们通常坐船去上学。In places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat.