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第一百九十条赠与可以附义务。A gift may be subject to obligations.

他立遗嘱赠与儿子巨额的财产。He bequeathed his son a great fortune.

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他立遗嘱赠与儿子钜额的财产。He bequeathed his son a great fortune.

第一百九十条赠与可以附义务。Article 190 Obligations can be attached to gifts.

你用嬉笑的无心来躲避我的赠与。With antic absent-mindedness you shun my ability.

根据赠与税规定,只有完全赠与才应纳税.Only a complete gift is taxable under the gift tax.

他宁可赠与朋友也不给家里人。He gave to his friends what he denned to his family.

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我国人民不需要富国的慷慨的赠与。Our people are in no need of richer nations' largess.

交纳赠与税的义务在赠与人而非受赠人。The gift is subject to the federal unified transfer tax.

最好的祝愿赠与唐鹤德师长和他的挚爱张国荣师长。Best Regards To Daffy Tong and his Beloved Leslie Cheung.

就赠与而言,赠物本身要交付给受赠人。In the case of a gift the thing itself passes to the donee.

在大陆法系各国民法中,赠与都是重要的有名合同。The donative contract is typical contract in the Civil Law.

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第二部分,对赠与合同的性质进行了研究。The second part analyses the nature of the bestowal contract.

赠与人的行为能力是”赠与”的一个重要前提.Capacity of donor is one of the essential requisites of “gift”.

这宝盒充满爱的记忆,是长辈赠与晚辈的礼物。It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next.

宣示你的价值,述说你的美丽,公布你的赠与。Proclaim your value, announce your beauty and declare your gifts.

受托人必须遵守并执行财产赠与人的指示。The trustee must obey and carry out be directions of the settlor.

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这是一种非常荒谬的观点,因为在法律意义上,捐款赠与是不可以要回的。This is ridicules. In the legal sense, donation can’t be recovered.

BumpTop已经给我们了200个免费的专业版让我们赠与我们的读者。BumpTop has given us 200 free pro version to give away to our readers.

你应当把享受身体健康当成美好生活赠与自己的礼物。You deserve to give yourself the gift of living well with good health.